Times Between #2

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Times Between #2

"Kya! Chika!!!" Ebina yelled through the phone. Chika had to put the phone a whole foot away to even save his hearing.

"Yes?" Chika tiredly answered. He had just been able to drift off into the land of sleep and then his manager called him.

"Sorry to disturb you so early in the morning, but I have to tell you the good news! Ever since the anime you voiced for premiered, it's been selling wonderfully! Spectacular! Better than we imagined for your first voice acting gig," Ebina threw compliments at the boy.

Chika can imagine his manager squealing like a little girl and twirling like she was a merry-go-round. "Alright, so?" Chika asked grumpily, he was still in the middle of a long awaited sleeping time.

"So? It means you'll get a bigger cut!" Ebina yelled. "Meaning I'll get a bigger cut too!"

"Is that it?" Chika continued to ask bluntly.

"Well- um... yes? I thought you would be more excited. You should see what the fans are saying!" Ebina got fired up again.

"If you called me during the day, I might have been more receptive, Ebina. Right now though, I'm dead tired," Chika's voice dropped to unimaginable levels. "Love you, manager-san, and goodbye." Then Chika hung up the phone.

Finally a few minutes of peace that might allow Chika to drift off into that wonderful dreamless land of s- shit.

"Chika? Are you in there? I need some help with this math problem and Ema is already asleep," Yuusuke's voice came from the corridor.

Chika was planning on ignoring the knocking when he heard another set of footsteps and a very familiar voice, "Yuusuke? Why are you still up?"

"Ukyo-bro, what are you doing here? Hey, do you think you can help me?" Yuusuke asked through the door.

"I forgot something I gave to Tsubaki and just got it back," Ukyo explained.

Immediately, Chika grumpily stood up, wrapping his soft, fuzzy blanket around himself. Reaching the door, Chika opened a small bit of the door, "What did you want?"

"Oh, it's just this problem," Yuusuke pointed to the sixteenth number on his worksheet.

Glancing at the problem for a minute, Chika nodded with an annoyed face since he's still tired, "It's two X." As Chika was about to close the door, his eyes drifted to Ukyo's impressed face. "I-It's easy... Now I need sleep unless you want me to be like this during the day. Forewarning, I'm a bitch like this."

"Thanks, Chika!" Yuusuke beamed, quickly writing down the answer for the problem and walking away.

"Good night, Chika," Ukyo nodded in his robes, holding a hot cup of jasmine tea. The smile Ukyo gave Chika made the teen blush and numbly nod. But, when Chika didn't make a move to close the door, Ukyo took a step closer to get a better look of Chika, "Having trouble sleeping?"

"I- I was just staying up to finish some stuff..." Chika stuttered out before taking a deep breath and holding his soft blanket closer, "But yeah, I'm having difficulties sleeping. I've tried everything: sleeping pills, lavender, tea, melatonin, exercise, exhaustion, mentally fulfilled, etc. Nothing is working..."

"Want to keep me company for a bit then? I need to finish something for a case of mine," Ukyo offered, smiling at the younger boy.

Looking up a bit, Chika blushed at the sight of Ukyo's beautiful blue eyes, "S-Sure. That sounds good."

Chika followed Ukyo to the living room where Ukyo had set up his computer. The two sat on the bright red couch and Chika stared up at the ceiling with his thoughts wandering. Every once in a while, Chika would look over at Ukyo or what he was typing but he would look back at the ceiling when he started blushing for no reason.

Chika || Brothers Conflict BLWhere stories live. Discover now