Secret Revealed

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Nick looks confused. Owen springs into action.

OWEN Go![Owen pushes past Nick with Dagon right behind him and the four begin running for the door they entered through. Nick is slow and lags behind. Suddenly he stops, glimpsing the outline of Indominus rex through the trees. Turning, he runs back the other way. Owen, Dagon, and Ellis skid to a halt as the I. rex emerges from the jungle and blocks their escape. It bellows forth a mighty roar. The three turn and run back the way they came, but Ellis isn't fast enough. Indominus snatches him up in her clawed hands. He screams.Masrani, Lowery and Vivian listen to Ellis' screams over the radio. then hear crunching sounds.A horrified Claire can also hear the sounds of Ellis being eaten.Reaching the back door, Nick uses a handprint ID and a security code to override the door lock. The huge door begins to open. Running to it, he hesitates, looking back at Owen with Dagon who is running towards him with Indominus rex right behind him. He sees Indominus with Ellis in her mouth. She rips off one of his legs. Nick screams and runs through the door A video feed shows the paddock door opening with an alarm blaring "SECURITY BREACH."

MASRANI Close the door.

LOWERY We can't lock him in there with that thing!

MASRANI Come on, close it now!

Lowery doesn't react. Masrani leans over and presses the button himself.

CLAIRE (yelling into her phone) Somebody talk to me! What is happening?

The door begins to slowly close as Owen runs towards it with Dagon and the huge predator gaining on them from behind.

OWEN Shit!

He runs through. as Indominus gets halfway through before the door closes on her. Her head and one arm stick free and she snaps her jaws at Owen and Dagon. He runs and slides underneath the crane, where he lies hiding on his stomach. Indominus pushes the door off of its track with the servos whining in protest and then steps out from inside the paddock, freed.Owen watches, wide-eyed, as Indominus stomps over to where Nick is sitting in front of a pickup truck. She walks around the left side as Nick, mustering his courage, peers around the right front bumper. He whimpers and sobs as he sees the huge tail disappearing around the rear of the truck, then turns back around, trying to hide. He clutches and kisses a crucifix .Suddenly the truck is violently knocked aside, flying through the air and crashing noisily to the ground upside-down, leaving the supervisor sitting out in the open completely exposed. He and Owen look at one another for a long moment. Suddenly, the jaws snap down, grabbing Nick and lifting him up out of view.Acting quickly, Owen draws a survival knife and rolls over onto his back. Reaching up, he grabs the crane's fuel line and hacks desperately at it with his blade until he finally slices through it, rupturing it and spewing gasoline down onto himself. Hurriedly, he smears it all over himself in an effort to mask his scent. Having finished eating Nick, Indominus now approaches the crane and crouches down on all fours, sniffing. Owen lies back, perfectly still, as the dinosaur's bloodied, gore-encrusted jaws inch closer and closer...

Dagon owen it going to smell me no matter what but promise you will not hurt me with what i'm about to do

Owen what

The I rexs knocks the crane over and goes for owen but stops as a big titan rams into it the I rexs roar at the spino but the spino steps protectively in front of Owen the I rexs look at the spino before turning and leaving the spino destroys the camera that was pointed at them then dagon turned back to human

Owen Dagon

Dagon I'm the 2002 creature a kid that was experiment but I'm also known as the devil dinosaurs that appear around the world.

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