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skiping to blitzo hitting the button

[Blitzo rapidly presses a red button from underneath his desk. A red light flashes by a label reading "Deranged client." The other labels read "More coffee," "Soiled my pants," "Horny client," "Client giving birth," "Ghost," and "."Dagon pissed off"]

Skipping to the crew in the lobby well Blitz is talking to the teacher and the red light going off

Showing Moxxie, who is holding a black and red crossbow in his left ear hands. In front of him is a picture of a smiling family: a father, a mother, a baby and two children. His arms are shaking as the pointer hovers around the man's crotch area.]

Millie: Moxxie, stop shaking'! You're gonna shoot another hole in the wall

[Loona looking out the window watching Dagon practice in the  huge training room they have i and holding up the family picture in one hand and her phone in the other recording Dagon as her tail wags fast

Loona: *sarcastically, deadpan* Wow. I feel soooo loved here.

Millie: Just take a deep breath, *inhales* and let it out!

Moxxie: But... It's a family! Under what circumstances would we ever need to kill a human family?

Millie: I mean, if that's what the client wants.

Moxxie: Maybe like a shitty dad. Or a mob family. *speaking with a stereotypical Italian accent* That's understandable. [speaks normally] But to eradicate an entire innocent—seemingly, in this instance—upper middle class family bloodline?

[Loona looks at the picture as she thinks for a moment.]

Loona: Hey! You don't know they're innocent! *points to the boy* This kid probably sets dogs on fire, *points to the girl* maybe this girl gets off to bullying Australian kids online, *points to the father* and this guy... This guy definitely watches.

Lonna: But how i wonder did Dagon end up here he so perfect

Millie: Exactly! Humans are full of secret nasties. It's why so many of them end up here.

Moxxie: But—

Millie: Guilty and innocent aren't our business, Mox. *cups Moxxie's cheeks as she shakes them* Killin' who were paid to is our business. Choose a target. *kisses him*

[Moxxie aims his crossbow.]

Moxxie: I just think it's a bit excessive, and we could be a bit more selective, is all.

[Blitzo barges into the room followed by Mrs. Mayberry.]

Blitzo: Guys! I want you to meet—

[A startled Moxxie accidentally fires his arrow and it ricochets around the room. Millie jumps into Moxxie's arms as the arrow hits a computer. The arrow then flies and creates a hole in the family picture that a stunned Loona is holding. The arrow hits the bottom of a tank with eels and the tank starts to wobble dangerously. The arrow flies toward Mrs. Mayberry, but Blitzo catches it with one hand.]

Blitzo: ...our newest client!

[The eel tank falls down. Glass and water spill on the floor. The eels fall out and burst into electricity, setting the room on fire.]

Blitzo: Dammit, Moxxie! I just bought those eels!

[Outside the building, imp firefighters carry the eels away and head into a red fire truck. Mrs. Mayberry drives off in a yellow taxi cab as Blitzo waves goodbye.]

Blitzo: Byyyyye! And, don't worry, we'll get that skank in less than twenty-four hours or your first kill is freee!

[Blitzo waves as the car drives away.]

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