Loo loo land

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Dagon: why does my head feel like hell gets up from bed and walks to the kitchen Dagon:Hi Loona

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Dagon: why does my head feel like hell gets up from bed and walks to the kitchen
Dagon:Hi Loona

Dagon: Loona what are you doing here
Loona: would you rather wake up in a alleyway from your drinking
Loona: we need to get to the office
Stolas: You know what I haven't done in a long, loooong time? I haven't taken you to your favorite place in all of Hell! Why don't we go to Loo Loo Land?
Octavia: I'm not five anymore.
Stolas: You always were so happy when I took you to Loo Loo Land! What do you say we go there again, have a day, just the two of us?
Octavia: I'd... rather kill myself.
Stolas: There we go! Anything but staying in this house. Now, I'll arrange our security.
[Stolas picks up a phone carried on a platter by his now bruised and battered servant.]
Octavia: Security for a theme park?
Stolas: We are rich, and we're hot. People want our money and our bodies!
[Octavia grabs a box of cereal on the table and begins shoveling handfuls into her mouth.]
Octavia: *under her breath* Our money, maybe]
Stolas: Speak for yourself, princess. Now... I'm calling the only man who can fuck me!
Octavia: *drops the handful of cereal, disgusted* What...?
Stolas: *immediately backpedaling* Who can protect me! Us! Being part of the Goetia family is rather valuable, you know.
[Octavia groans and pulls her beanie down over her eyes.]
[Cut to I.M.P Headquarters, where Blitzo is busy doing very important work in his office, r before being interrupted by the ringing of his Hellphone.]
Blitzo: *angrily* WHAT?!Stolas: *lustfully* Why, hello, my big-dicked Blitzy.[Both Blitzo and Octavia spit out their coffee in sheer surprise. Blitzo slams his "BOSS BITCH" mug onto his desk.]
Blitzo: What–
Octaia: the–
Blitzo: FUCK–\
Octavia: Dad?!
Stolas: Language, everyone! *into the phone* I have a special request~Blitzo: Aw... Look, I just had a chemical peel. So, you'll have to find someone else's face to plant that feathered ass.
Stolas: It's for my daughter.
Blitzo: Ah. Well, make sure she washes it.
Stolas: *taken aback* No! No, no-no-no. I'm taking my daughter to Loo Loo Land, and I was hoping you brave little Imps would accompany us!
Blzo: We're assassins, not bodyguards, 'kay? Don't invite us to shit unless someone's gonna die.
Stolas: I'll pay you~Blitzo: Pay me what?
Stolas: Moneyyyy~Blitzo: Done!
[Blitzo hangs up and accidentally slams his phone down on the desk hard enough to smash it to pieces. After a brief annoyed glance at it, he pulls out a megaphone.]
Blitzo: M n' M, get in here! We're goin' to Loo Loo Land!
[Moxxie opens the door to respond.]
Moxxie: Loo Loo Land?
[Millie excitedly smashes her head straight through the office door's glass.]
Millie: *excitedly* Loo Loo Land?!
Blitzo: Loo Loo Land!
Loona: (offscreen) SHUT THE FUCK UP!!
[Cut to Loo Loo Land. A van with an I.M.P decal spray painted on the side pulls into the rather empty parking lot. Moxxie exits the van and opens the side door. A very cramped Stolas extracts himself excitedly. His daughter exits the van far less excitedly. Stolas dons an apple-themed hat and gestures toward the park gate. Octavia groans and pulls her hat low over her face.]
Blitzo: Now, remember: this is work and work only. Me and my crew are not here to satisfy your perverted bird needs, alright?
Octavia: *disgustedly* Hey... Dad... Do we have to--?
Blitzo: Okay, yeah. Hold on right there, sweetie. [turns to Stolas] If you try fuckin' my little ass in that park, I swear to--Stolas: You are so cute when you are serious!
Octavia: I'm literally going to be sick.
Dagon: same
Moxxie: Oh, crumbs! I knew today would be a lot! What do you need?
[Moxie fishes around in a fanny pack and throws out several pill bottles as he lists off his inventory.]
Moxxie: Anti-acids? Ibuprofen?
[Moxxie shows Octavia several hypodermic needles of a glowing, acid green substance.]
Moxxie: Morphine?
Octavia: That was figurative, old man.
Moxxie: Oh, right.
[Moxxie chuckles sheepishly as he discards the needles into a nearby baby carriage, where a baby imp happily reaches out to play with its dangerous new "toys."]
Moxxie: *under his breath* But, she said it was literal.
Millie: *excitedly* Wooooow! I haven't been to this place since I was a tot!
[A large letter falls off the sign of a nearby ride, crushing the teenaged imp underneath.]
Millie: It hasn't changed a bit. Ohhh! LOOK! It's Big Woobly!
[Millie gestures toward a hideously animatronic dinosaur, which opens its mouth and lets out a terrifying, demonic shriek.]
Dagon: this shit is offending me
Moxxie: That is... deeply upsetting.
Millie: Oh, come on! It's fun! You've never been here
Moxxie: No. Theme parks always disturbed me, especially the mascots.
[The park's mascot, Loo Loo appears out of nowhere behind Moxxie
Loo Loo: Well, hey there!
Moxxie: *jumps back in terror* AAAAAH!!
Dagon: laughing
Loo Loo: I'm Loo Loo! Welcome to Loo Loo Land! If y'all get hurt here, just try and sue us!
Stolas: *gasps* Look! Via! It's Loo Loo!
Octavia: I have a question.
Loo Loo: Well, ask away, little girlie! A-hyuk a-hyuk a-hyuk!
Octavia: Is it true this park is just a really shameless spin-off of Licifer's far more popular Lu Lu World?
Loo Loo: *beat* No?
Octavia: This place reeks of insecure corporate shame.
[Stolas chuckles nervously as he leads Octavia away.]
Stolas: Why don't we go check out the rides?
Loo Loo: That chick's creepy, huh?
Blitzo: Eh, wait till her dad tries to diddle your holes.
Loo Loo: *to Millie, Moxxie and Dagon* What's that mean?
Moxxie: Don't talk to me! I know you're a pervert under there!
[Moxxie leaves, leading Millie off with him. Loo Loo hangs his body dejectedly.]
Loo Loo: Yeah...
[Moxxie and Millie head down a pathway, and Moxxie, sweating profusely, stops to catch his composure.]
Moxxie: You really like this place, huh?
Millie: I love this place! My parents would bring me and my siblings here when they could swing it. Money-wise.
[Moxxie looks over to see a worker wheeling a wheelbarrow piled to the brim with money into a nearby giftshop. The two approach the window, where novelty cups and stuffed apples are for sale. The cups appear to cost at least 29 souls per.]
Moxxie: Yeaaaah. The prices do seem rather criminal. I mean, that much for a novelty cup that you use one time?
Millie: 'Cause, it's Loo Loo Land!

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