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icl i forgot how to write and what to write and idk what im doing but enjoy it

never will i drink again not after watching my blacked out friend drunkenly throw up in a random train station bc i ended up drunk CRYING for half an hour in front of two strangers otp to her mum bc i didnt know what to do

~no pov

Harry was hesitant to let Malfoy come back to his house so soon, like it hadn't been enough time, but when two adorable kids were begging him to let them have another playdate, it was impossible to say no.

So he put his own inner turmoil aside and let the Malfoys come over.

After his talk with Etheria and his friends, he knew he wasn't that afraid of anything Malfoy-related. He was just slightly paranoid, and for good reason. He was The Boy Who Lived and Malfoy was... Malfoy, so he had every right to be paranoid.

Even though a strange side of him was surprisingly open and comfortable with the blond. Harry found himself joking and, somehow on one occasion, almost flirting with the man he used to hate, and it felt nice.

It felt like, maybe, if they'd just been friends from the start, so much could've been avoided. Could he have taught the Slytherin to be better? Could he have saved so much more if he brought Malfoy to the Light before he was roped into the Dark?

stop it. that's the saviour complex talking. can't change the past.

as elsa said, the past is in the past, let it go.

He laughed to himself, quietly, which then reminded him where he was. He was in his kitchen, again, with Draco Malfoy, drinking coffee. And even though in Hogwarts he used to drink coffee with milk, two sugars and sometimes just cream, Malfoy now had his coffee bitter and plain.

And he didn't wait for it to cool down. Malfoy drank the scalding liquid straight up, and if it burned him, he didn't show it. So Harry made a mental note to put a charm on his coffee next time to make sure it was a reasonable, non-burning temperature.

next time?

Harry shook his head, pouring the water into his tea and then the sugars, and went back to observing his old enemy. It was natural for him to observe the blond; he'd done it for so long in Hogwarts, it was like muscle memory doing it again now.

Malfoy was wearing a similar outfit to before; turtleneck, blazer, and loose trousers, except this time, he took off the casual blazer and showed off a simple, silver Gucci belt that both impressed and shocked Harry. 

Yes, his outfit was posh, but muggle brands? Malfoy really had changed.

Harry wanted to ask if he only ever wore turtlenecks, but if felt off. The scar on his neck that was just barely visible past the neckline was made by Harry; was it possible that he was the reason Malfoy didn't wear lower neckline clothing?

After even more observing, Harry noticed Malfoy's chain again; simple yet elegant. He wondered if it was meaningful or just part of the blond's style. And rings. Malfoy wore rings, which was so clearly his style; had been since Hogwarts, but now he just had more.

It was... intriguing to see Malfoy wear rings, plural. The snake ring he wore in Hogwarts still fit, somehow, or maybe it was charmed, and he wore a ring with an M on it, presumably signifying the Malfoy name, and another silver ring encasing a green emerald. There were two more, simple silver rings and it made Harry all the more entranced.

Had he not obsessed over Malfoy's actions in Hogwarts, maybe he would've obsessed over his looks, because something about the way the man dressed himself was luxurious and it had taken Harry's focus and wasn't letting go.

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