Beard pt 2 - F

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It had been 3 months since that dreadful night. 3 months of radio silence from your end. You stayed off of social media. You cut your contact with Florence and everyone who had something to do with her completely. You had seen no change from Florence so you chose to go as incognito as you could. Although, doing that wasn't very hard as not one person outside of your tight knit group of friends and family knew that you and Florence were together. Were. Ouch.

You still love her. Of course you still fucking love her. That woman turned your world upside down the moment she stepped into your life nearly three years ago. You knew that she was going to be the person you'd marry one day. She loved every inch of who you are, loved you well and unapologetically. But only in private. You loved the intimate moments you had with her, some of your favourite times with her were the smaller moments just the two of you curled up in bed wrapped in each other's embrace. Dancing around the kitchen, with only the refrigerator light. You would sit on the island in the kitchen while Florence would cook and you would be in control of the music. Those were your favourite times with her but people not knowing of your existence while she was being seen in public with someone who was just a PR stunt really fucking hurt your heart. There was still an ache in your chest every time you thought about it.

Weeks continued to pass and you continue to grow through the aching that continuously sits inside of you.

You slide your key into the front door of your apartment and your phone starts to ring. You pull your phone out of your pocket and your best friends name, Emma, is invading the screen. "To what to I owe this pleasure" you jest when answering the phone. "Y/n!! Please tell me you have seen instagram" she bellows down the phone. Confused as to what this may be you answer "no, you know I haven't been on instagram in nearly 6 months". "Well you better open it right now and take a look". You put her on speaker so you can still hear her while logging back into instagram. You nearly drop your phone when you see the first post on your feed. Florence. "Y/n?? Are you still breathing" Emma asks, forgetting she's still on the phone. "Emma I'll ring you back. Let me read this" you press the button to hang up before even waiting for her reply.

It's a picture of you. You both went hiking one morning to watch the sun rise. You're facing towards the sun rise at the edge of the lookout. Florence was behind you and took a picture. You scroll slightly to see what the caption is and it may as well have been a fucking novel. You take a deep breath and steady yourself before reading.

This isn't my usual posts of Billie or whatever concoction I've cooked up. It's a little more serious but I've wanted to talk about it for a while.
I know you have all been conspiring as to where Danny has gone. Myself and Daniel are no longer seeing each other. It's complicated but this is not what I wanted to tell you all.
Life is a weird and crazy rollercoaster. A lot of twists and turns but the day I ran into this human being, the chaos stopped. She has brought so much love and light into my life and I fell in love with her so hard.
I haven't always been ready to share this side of my very personal life with the world. Part of me wanted to keep her all to myself but I knew that wasn't always going to be possible. But there has been a bigger part of me recently that wants to show her off to the world. My girl.
I haven't been the easiest person to be with, or to love, but she has loved me through every fault and I promise from this step forward, Im going to do the same. I love you my gorgeous girl, I always will.

You sit in shock. Frozen to your couch cushion. You don't know what to do, or what to say. Do you like the post? Do you comment? She posted it 3 hours ago. She wanted everyone to know that she loves you. She. Loves. You. You shake the shock off and go into the comments section, wondering what people think. To your surprise, no one has anything negative to say so far. Everyone who has left a comment is giving their full support. You decide to comment too.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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