You're so pretty pt 2 - A/F

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Warnings: use of swear words, angst (but ofc a happy ending)

Florence POV

I groan as I turn over onto my back. The more awake I become, the louder the banging in my head gets. I turn to reach for my phone but stop as my hotel door swings open. "Jesus Christ" I mutter as I struggle to sit up with the pounding sensation in my head. "Are you actually crazy??" Scarlett says making her way to my bed. "What?" I reply, utterly confused. She sets a bottle of water and painkillers on my bedside table and I smile gratefully at her. She lets me take the painkillers and finish off the water before continuing. "I knew I shouldn't have let Y/N take you to bed" okay now I am truly lost. My brows furrow in confusion which encourages her to continue. "You told Y/N you're IN LOVE with her??" Oh God. My stomach drops as well as my heart. "What the fuck" is all I manage to get out. "Y/N came back down after putting you to bed and was laughing at how you must have been so drunk that you faked a love confession to her" I sat up against the headboard and ran my hands through my hair and then down my face.

Scarlett is the only one who knows about my feelings for Y/N. We are best friends, I know she's not straight but she would never think of me like that as we are so close. "She thinks it's fake?" I ask somehow feeling more sick than I did 3 minutes ago. "Yeah, she just thinks you were so drunk that you were talking nonsense" Oh Jesus Christ. I close my eyes as the moment floods back to me. "Scarlett what the fuck did I do?" I ask feeling my chest tighten as tears threaten my eyes. "Hey it's okay" she says to me softly "she thinks it's fake, that you just had too much to drink. I don't think you have anything to worry about." She tries to comfort me but it's not exactly working. Just as I go to reply, my phone dings. I pick it up and look at the screen. Y/N. I slide to unlock my phone and enter our imessage chat. Hey Flo, just checking in to see if you're still alive or if the headache has killed you yet? :) A slight smile spread across my face as I look up at Scarlett who is giving me a questioning look with a raised brow. "Y/N?" she asks. "Yeah, she's just asking how my head is" I tell the blonde woman in front of me. Her expression softens and she goes to speak again, "maybe telling her how you feel while sober isn't the worst thing Florence, who knows what could come of it". My jaw falls open at Scarlett's suggestion. "Are you out of your mind Scar? That would ruin our whole friendship and even if I am in love with her, I'd rather be friends and not have her than tell her and ruin it all" I say quickly. "Okay, okay" Scarlett says calmly, trying to neutralize my panic.

I fall back onto my bed and cover my face with a pillow. Scarlett gets up and tells me she's going to go get changed. We bid our goodbyes and I drag myself to the shower to try wash off the overwhelming fear I have. How the fuck do I even talk to her again?

Once I'm out of the shower, I pull out my phone to reply to Y/N. I'm all good hahah, just had a shower to wash the smell of alcohol away, I'll be down for breakfast soon x I hit the send button and slip on my shoes and head down to the breakfast room that has been reserved for just the cast. As I enter, my eyes scan the room looking for the one person I ever want to see. But this time I was looking for her to avoid her. Why am I being so weird? Scarlett told me she thinks it's just the alcohol. She probably thinks I don't remember anything either. I plate up some food and find a seat between Lizzie and Scarlett and fall into conversation with them. Y/N finds her way to the table and sits herself across from me. I smile slightly but avoid eye contact for the rest of breakfast. Scarlett seems to notice as she kicks me under the table and gives me a knowing look. I subtly shake my head and continue my conversation with Lizzie about a dish she cooked recently. Once I had finished my breakfast, I excused myself to go upstairs with the excuse of needing to pack my things. I sat on the bed and forced myself to hold in a scream.

I packed up my clothes into the suitcase and made the bed. Guilt takes over from ignoring Y/N at breakfast, because she has done absolutely nothing wrong, well apart from making me fall in love with her, but other than that, she didn't deserve my stupid stunt at breakfast.

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