I'm so tired pt 2 - A/F

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Warnings: wouldn't really count this as full angst but on the road to reconcile more so:)

It had been 2 months since that night. Since Y/N left and Florence felt more lost than ever.

Y/N moved back to her old apartment in search of finding herself again. She knew that relying on Florence for her happiness wasn't healthy. And it wasn't fair, on either parties. So the search began. She joined the gym which she now finds a new escape in when things get overwhelming. She began reading more books and journaling. Of course these little changes in lifestyle didn't fill the void of missing Florence, but they helped her realise that she didn't need anyone else to depend on for happiness. She has found new ways to fill her time and keep her mind at peace.

Florence on the other hand wasn't doing as well. She knew that this mess was her mistake and wanted to fix it, but she didn't know when an appropriate time was to reach out. She was working during this time so reaching out while being bombarded with work didn't seem like the right idea. She missed Y/N so much. Her smile after a long day, her infectious laugh that lit up every room, her words of encouragement and even just being held by her. Nothing changed for Florence, she knew that Y/N was the person she wanted to spend her life with but she had to be better for her. Y/N paid close attention to every detail, every change in demeanour and did everything she could to lift Florence up. Florence knew she had to do the same if she was going to step back into Y/Ns life.

Florence POV
It was a Thursday evening and I had finished press stuff for my new movie. I had the next few months relatively off as of now. I have been sitting starring at my phone, thumb hovered over Y/Ns contact name. Guilt is the only thing that wracked through me. I need her, it's probably selfish but she makes me want to be everything I can be and more. Shutting my phone off, I stand to my feet and pick up the car keys. I'm getting my girl back.
25 minutes later I'm sitting infront of Y/Ns apartment complex looking down at the flowers on my passenger seat. I take a deep breath and pick the flowers up. I make my way to the elevator and press the floor of her apartment. Standing outside of her door I realise that she might not even be home, but I'm here now and I need to talk to her. I raise my hand and knock and wait for indication of any movement inside.

As I'm sitting reading my book I hear 3 knocks on the door. Furrowing my brows trying to figure out who it could be, I make my way to the door.
My whole body tenses and relaxes at the same time at the sight of the person on the other side. Flo. Standing there, looking small, not her usual confident self, holding a bunch of flowers. "Can we please talk?" Florence is the first to break the silence as I step back into my apartment and silently invite her in. Florence steps in and looks around, as if she hasn't seen the inside of this apartment 15 million times. "You want to talk?" I say as Florence's eyes shoot to mine. "Yes" she holds her hand out with the flowers in them "and these are for you". I smile down at the bouquet and gratefully take them "thank you Florence". I gesture to her to follow me through to the kitchen. We both take a seat at the island, sitting across from each other. "Can I start the talking?" Florence questions. I nod and let her know to go ahead.
"I can't explain to you how much I have missed you, and that's probably not fair because I had you all this time and I took it for granted. I am so so sorry I let our relationship slip and for you to think that you aren't the most important person in my life". My gaze softens as she uses the word 'aren't' instead of 'weren't' indicating that I still am. "I hope you're doing well, I hope you've been able to make some progress in fixing the broken pieces you were feeling inside of yourself. I love you, I still really really fucking love you. And I still want to be with you. I want you, all of you, and this break has given me one hell of a wakeup call in realising that I never want to be apart from you. Words mean nothing without action, I know this, but I'm going to be better for you, for us. No more forgetting. No more excuses and my god I never want to make you feel the way I did a few months ago." Her eyes brimming with tears, I knew this was genuine, not just some rehearsed speech.

Florence POV
I take a deep breath after finishing my little word vomit of almost desperation. The silence in the room is almost deafening. I hang my head and begin to realise that she might not want what we had. She might have moved on and realised she's better where she is now. I'm pulled from the depths of my head by the sound of the chair moving from it's place. I look up and Y/N is standing infront of me, with her arms open. I practically throw myself into her arms and hold on for dear life. I begin to sob and Y/N rubs her arm up and down my back while the other one is holding the back of my head. She pulls away and looks down at me, wiping my tears with her thumbs.
"Flo, I love you, that bit hasn't changed and I don't think it ever would. I have made progress, I'm really really happy with where I'm at right now" my heart begins to sink as I think she's going to tell me that she wants it to stay like this "but all of my working out and reading and finding my happiness again hasn't filled the void. The void of missing you. I want to share things with you. I want to grow and build with you." I begin to smile because I'm proud she has found herself again. "I want to be with you, but it can't turn into what it did the last time. Effort needs to be made, by both of us, this isn't just your mess to fix. We lacked communication the last time. I can't rely on you for happiness but I also can't be the one sitting alone at a dinner table for the 3rd week in a row". I look down and nod at the shame it brings me to remember I did that to her.
"We both have to make time for each other. And if we do find ourselves needing some time alone or some space to just exist by ourselves for a moment, we communicate that with each other. I want this to work, like really really badly. And I know you love me, and I know you want this to work and I'm really hoping that it does."
I bring myself to my feet and wrap my arms around her once again "thank you, thank you for giving me another chance. I promise you, my actions will be the most evident change in this relationship." Y/N wraps her arms around my shoulders and kisses the top of my head. I pull back and look up at her and she's smiling down at me. "Can I kiss you?" I ask, nervous that it may be too soon or too much. Y/N doesn't even give me an answer, she just places her hands on both of my cheeks and kisses me. So much emotion goes into it, from both of us. I look up at her and all I want to do is cry, cry so many happy tears that I have my girl back with me.

A/N: I'm not too sure how happy I am with this. I hope this is okay for the part 2 :) Let me know what you think of it

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