[1] Does New York ring a bell?

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There I was, sitting on a bullet train, reading the news about a girl who assassinated the CEO of a major company. Then along comes a tall bloke, chocolate hair in slick waves, a neat moustache, and a stern expression in his piercing slate-blue eyes. His face was a work of art.

I turn back to my newspaper, disrupted by this man bumping into my chair as he strode down the train carriage.

"Sorry, love." He apologised. My eyes glance upward to meet his.

He was taken aback, with a confused expression plastered on his face. After a beat of silence he continues "Wait you look familiar."

"You watch a lot of porn?" I chuckle. "Just kidding, guess I've just got one of those faces."

He smirks. "So, what do you want?" I ask.

"Oh, right, I was gonna ask if you'd seen a briefcase."

"Oh, no sorry."

"No worries love." He turns to leave.

"Have a good one, Tangerine."

He abruptly turns to face me, his eyebrows furrowed. "What'd you say?"

"I just said have a good one?" I said innocently, smiling sweetly at him.

"Oh, thought I heard something else, never mind." He proceeds to walk off, picking up the pace a little.

He leaves. After a while I get up to go to the bathroom. To my surprise, its pleasantly clean. After washing my hands I unlock the door, only to be met face to face  by the man I met earlier, accompanied by a stout fella with bleached blonde hair, smooth dark skin, a snarky grin crept up on his face before out of the blue, the more muscular one (Tangerine) grabbed me by my arm and dragged me to their seats. I was going to resist but I'd be lying if I said I didn't like his strong grip on my arm.

He sat me down so I was sitting opposite them both.

''If you wanted to sit with me, you could've just asked." I snarkily remark, glaring straight at the handsome brown haired man sitting on the right.

"Don't play games hon, who are you and how do you know my name?" He interrogates.

"Ok you got me, I'm surprised you don't remember who I am, does New York ring a bell?"

They share a glance and I continue. "The both of you were hired to go to bar and kill the manager, and I was hired to dance on stage whilst keeping a lookout and make sure you didn't complete your job."

"Oh that's right." they both exclaim.

"So Lemon and Tangerine, now do you remember me? Surely you remember my dance moves." I seductively winked at Tangerine, a flush creeping up his face. He's so into me.

"So what are you doing on this train then?" Lemon asks.

"I was hired to help you two dickheads complete your job of giving the briefcase to your employer, and make sure you don't fuck up like you did in New York."

"We only fucked up in New York because of you, and why should we believe you?" Tangerine snarled, he glared at me, agitated.

I huff. "What can I do to gain your trust."

"How about call your employer." Lemon instructs.

"Fine." I pull out my phone and dial my employer. It starts ringing.

Lemon interrupts "Uh, on speaker."

I place the phone on the table and my employer quickly picks up. I explain "Hi, its me, I'm with the Twins right now."

A deep voice replies "Hi boys, I guess you've met Y/N. She's here to keep an eye out on you two."

"Right, thanks, we'll see you in a bit with case." I hang up. "So where's the case?"

The boys glance at each other, before Tangerine awkwardly admits "Uhh we kinda...lost it."

"The fuck do you mean you lost it?" I said angrily but not surprised."Can you guys not fuck up a job for once?"

"Hey, it wasn't my fault." He stares directly at Lemon.

"Well it weren't me either" Lemon adds "Its not my fault some greasy American twat nicked it."

"Wait, this American, did he happen to have black framed glasses and a stupid beige bucket hat." I say, emphasising on the stupid.

"Yeah that's the one." Lemon confirms.

Fucking knew it.

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