Chapter Seven: Clone Jutsu??

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Third POV

(Y/n) was blinking as she doesn't know what to do, she was debating if she will use her ability or not.

"(Y/n), I know your nervous, but you can't pass when you can't perform the clone Jutsu." Iruka said in a comforting tone, making (Y/n) nod.

"Come on (Y/n)! You can do it!" Shisui cheered, making her gulp.

"Sensei..." She fiddled her fingers. "What is it?" Iruka asked, but it makes (Y/n) nervous more so she just shook her head and just used her ability.

Five solid clone appeared in front of them making Iruka and the others jaw dropped.

"Y-you pass!" Iruka exclaimed, as he handed (Y/n) her headband, as she bowed nervously and deactivated her ability, causing her clones to turn into sparkly particles.

She the left as another student went in the room. "Congratulations (Y/n)!"  Minato, Shisui, and Hashirama congratulate her.

"Tch, not bad." Tobirama complimented her making her giggle. "Thanks, Tobi-chan, minna" He looked away with a unnoticeable blush.

Though, when they get outside, (Y/n)'s mood dropped, she saw everyone with happy families congratulating their children.

'I wonder how it felt like...' She thought in sadness, as she looked at the headband she had received. 'I miss them' she said mentally as she gripped the konoha headband.

'I don't even know when I will be back, but I hope they are proud of what I had achieved.' She sighed and walked away from the crowd of people, and goes somewhere for fresh air.

"Are you alright (Y/n)-chan? You seem so down while looking at the crowd a minute ago." Shisui stated making the other three boys nod.

"I've noticed, but didn't voiced it out." Tobirama joined. (Y/n) only assured them that she's fine, as she mastered her courage to put up a smile making them frown but didn't push her to tell them, because she will open up to them when the right time comes.

Short chapter, sorry. I'm too tired from the exam.

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