𝟎𝟎𝟎 sorry we're closed for the night

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sorry we're closed for the night


   If there was one thing that Serena Campbell had utterly despised is the closing shift at the bakery she works at. Though, she really needed the cash to continue paying for her apartment, so she could still have a place to live in.

   The props of having a mother who chose to sleep around, or just do some other fucked up shit in life.

   She had to ultimately figure out her entire life, and depend on herself, or sometimes the imaginary man who appears before her when she's in some 'dangerous' situations herself, or needing a friend to talk with at home, he was just always there. This was something that her childhood friend never known about.

   Anika Kayoko.

   Sweeping up the ground floor that held crumbs of bread or dirty napkins, and simply humming to a soft tune in her head. Tilting her head upwards, glancing at the clock that had given her the time, it was barely 8:00pm. So, she still had an hour left to meet her friends at the halloween party.

   Jumping when the sound of the bakery's landlines phone was ringing, and instantly walking towards the phone, and picking up the phone, and placing it in her ear.

   ". . . uh, hello?" Serena responded sounding completely confused when there was no one speaking to her, "Sorry, we're closed for the night." She had quickly retorted.

   ". . ."

   Already placing her hand onto her own hip already frustrated from the caller, "If this is a prank call, please go dial someone else, I don't really have time for this shit." Serena had recommend them to leave her be, and annoy someone else. Though, just as she was about to hang up the phone, the person had suddenly spoken to her.

Some type of sadistic voice was heard on the other line, "Have you felt the urges already?" He snickered at her.

Serena had furrowed her eyebrows, leaning by the table that held the phone, an awkward laugh escaping her lips, "Excuse me? What urges?" She questioned him, confusion that was written all over her face.

   What was he talking about?

   "The urge to go and slit someone's throat, and causing bloodshed. . ." He simply taunted her, "Serena?" Her face ultimately paled, when she had heard him call her by her own name.

   Twisting and turning her head around the bakery and making sure that no one else was in the bakery with her, "This isn't fucking funny, who is this?" Hesitantly asking them, "Is this you, Chad? Because, this isn't funny, dipshit!" Serena snarled.

   Chad and her had a complicated friendship since they had met up until now, but even this was low for him to be doing to her.

   The voice simply chuckled at her, "This isn't, Chad. He'd be too stupid to make a call like this. . ." The voice had simply retorted, "Tell me something, Serena. How well do you actually know about your biological father?"

   Serena froze.

   To be truthful, all she knew was what her mother had told her. They met and had several drinks, and one thing led to another.

   "My family business isn't your business to be meddling into." Serena replied to the caller on the other line, "Goodbye." Slamming the phone down, gently rubbing her own eyes.

   Again, the phone ringing and making her jump, yet her eyes bounced around the bakery and noticing her imaginary friend arrived.

   "Don't answer that phone," He sternly told her, "Get out the bakery, and don't look back. It's not safe for you here, cece." A nickname that he had been calling her since she was five years old.

   Ignoring him, she answered the phone.

   It was the same caller from before, "Shouldn't of hung up the phone, Serena. There's nothing more that I hate than being hung up on." He snarled at her.

"What do you want from me!?" Serena had yelled at him, "I don't even know you, please go bother someone else!" She simply begged him, it was then her eyes wandered to the front door of the bakery, and the little glimpse of light that was being shown inside made her gulp in fear.

A shadow simply passing before vanishing.

"Did you see me? How close do you think I am. . . do you think that I made it inside here, Serena?" He had given her some assumptions for her.

Heart pounding, that small voice telling her to leave the bakery, and it was why she quickly dropped the broom as well as the phone on the ground, removing her apron, and pulling out the keys from her pocket, running out the door and quickly locking it up.

Walking as quickly as she possibly could, and not attempting to look back 'cause the chances are if you look back, the serial killer is already behind her you.

Flinching when her phone had suddenly rang, quickly grabbing her phone and angrily answering it, "I said leave me the fuck alone already!" She hissed at him.

   "Okay, woah. . . Serena!" Anika quickly spoken up on the phone, shock laced all over her voice at how her bestfriend answered the phone, "It's just me, Anika." She reassured.

   Serena who sighed in relief, "Sorry, I just had a long day at work, but what's up?" Serena had questioned her friend, as she opened up her car door already, locking it up immediately, as well as buckling herself up.

   "Mindy and I are already headed to the party. . ." Anika spoken up, "Though, I left your Halloween costume on your bed, it's already ironed and everything." She reassured Serena, though she could already hear Mindy laughing in the background, and mumbling on how she's going to be mad.

   "Why's Mindy laughing, Anika please don't tell me the Halloween costume is some crazy ass shit?" Serena blurted out.

   The two girls giggling on the phone.

   "No, it's absolutely pretty and it's also pink your absolute favorite color, so don't get here too late. Bye!" Anika who just sounded like she was hiding something from her, as she already hung the phone up.

"Hmm. . ."


𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞, prologue to Serena

Any guesses to her Halloween Costume? Also her biological father?

Serena is so funny, she's going to flirt with Ethan.

Her mother is the biggest liar, so. . .

𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔, 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐊𝐒- 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐍Where stories live. Discover now