Chapter 4 ⭐️

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Tsukasa's alarm went off and he startled awake, his eyes shooting open. He groaned as he rubbed his tired face and reached to turn the clock off while Rui grumbled in the bed on the other side of the room.

"Kasaaa that's too loud" he whined, burying his face under the blankets, his purple knotted hair sticking up from his covers.

Tsukasa sat up and walked into the bathroom, taking care of his business and washing his face. When he opened the door, he saw Rui hadn't gotten up yet.

"Get up lazy ass" The blonde commanded tiredly, walking over to his bed and yanking the blankets off the boy. The purple haired boy opened his eyes, glaring at Tsukasa.

"Die" he muttered, trying to grab the sheets the shorter boy had tossed onto the floor.

"Get up, we've gotta go to breakfast soon" Tsukasa told him, moving to his closet and picking out some clothes "Or do you need a little kiss to wake you up?" He added teasingly, making Rui's face flush a little as he rolled his eyes, muttering something under his breath.

Once he decided what he was going to wear, Tsukasa moved back into the bathroom and changed, brushing his teeth as well. Once he was done, he walked out of the small room and tossed his pajamas into his laundry basket.

Rui was leaning against the wall, trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes.

"Good morning princess" Tsukasa said flatly, grabbing an apple juice from their shared mini fridge.

"Your elegance" he replied, sending the blonde a small smile.

Tsukasa chuckled softly, this had been their shared inside joke for a few years now, whenever one of them was being stubborn or bratty, they would call them a princess. Tsukasa still thought it was funny, despite hearing it for the past 3 years.

Tenma grabbed his backpack, walking with it to his desk and began shoving some homework and his computer back into it, the bathroom door clicking closed as Rui walked into it, getting changed himself.

Rui walked out a moment later, holding his pajamas and a hairbrush, his toothbrush in his mouth. He tossed his clothes in his own bin, and proceeded to get the knots out of his purple-blue hair. He struggled though, and Tsukasa could see tears prick his eyes as he yanked at his head.

"Need help?" The shorter boy offered, and his roommate nodded, walking back into the bathroom and putting his toothbrush away. He came back out a moment later and sat on the floor in front of Tsukasa's bed. Tenma sat down behind him and began brushing his hair, being careful to not hurt him.

It's thanks to Saki that he was so good at brushing hair, when she was in the hospital he would do hers sometimes, and brushing was always one of the steps, especially since her hair was always so knotted.

Tsukasa felt Rui lean his head back, leaning into hid hands. The blondes face went red. Tsukasa had definitely been feeling something other than friendship towards him recently, and sometimes he wondered if Rui reciprocated.

Rui had always been more touchy with him, he would always hug the shorter boy longer than he would for others, he would also always give me subtle moments of affection if he was around him, whether it be shoulder bumps or resting his head against Tsukasa's arm if he was tired or bored. Regardless, sometimes he acts like he likes him too, but it could just be that he's comfortable around him?

Tsukasa finished up with his hair, running his fingers through it to double check, before letting him up, quickly running the brush through his own hair to fix it as well.

Tenma checked the clock, it was 7:47 and they needed to be in the cafeteria for breakfast at 8:00.

"Hurry up, we need to go soon" He said, handing Rui his brush.

"Mhm" Kamishiro nodded, putting the brush away and grabbing his bag and an orange juice from the fridge.

The two boys slipped their shoes on and left the dorm, locking it behind them.

In the hallway there were a good handful of other students walking to breakfast as well, some talking with friends and some listening to music quietly.

They made their way through the building, down the elevator and around campus, arriving to the cafeteria just after 8.

The two of them grabbed their breakfast and sat down to eat, not talking about much, as the two of them were still tired. Their upstairs neighbors had a party until late and neither of them had an easy time falling asleep.

Tsukasa finished eating first. He threw his trash away and returned to the table, popping a stick of gum in his mouth. It didn't take long for Rui to finish, throwing his own trash away and coming back a moment later. Tenma tossed him a stick of gum and Rui smiled in thanks.

Tsukasa opened up his phone, checking his notifications. He had some instagram notifications, a couple from tiktok, three from Emu and a missed call from Saki.

He told Rui he was taking a call before calling his sister back, it didn't take long for her to answer.

"Tsukasaaaaa~" she cheered through the phone

"Hey Saki, what's up"

"Moms birthday is coming up, she was wondering if you were coming down? She really misses you"

'Oh right, it's mom's birthday soon, and in all honesty it completely slipped my mind... but I don't think I have plans that week?' He thought to himself

"Um, yeah I probably am? It depends on my schedule, I probably will but don't get your hopes up" he replied

"Alright, want me to tell her?" She asked

"Nah, I'll text her later"

"Alright, but if you can't make it, at least send a card"

"Okay" Tsukasa agreed before changing the topic "Anyways how are you? Have you been feeling okay? How's Leo/Need?" He asked, he knew she was in good health when he left and she'd been doing pretty good these last few years, but he was still paranoid she'd end up in the hospital again.

"I'm fine, I actually had a doctors appointment the other day and they say I'm doing good, I feel good too!" She explained, and I smiled "Leo/Need is good too, Shiho just got back from her trip to California, she said it was cool to see that side of the world, she's also improved her English since, so all in all we're doing great now that she's back!"

"That's great, I'm glad you guys are having fun" He exclaimed, looking up at Rui, who showed him the time on his phone screen.

"Oh, I gotta go Saki, classes start soon, I'll call you soon?"

"Alright, it was good to hear your voice Tsu, have fun in class" she said happily

"Alright, stay safe, love you"

"Love you too, bye!" She said, hanging up

Tsukasa shoved his phone into his pocket and stood up, grabbing his bag, Rui doing the same.

"Saki's good?" He asked as we walked towards our first period.

"Yeah, she was just reminding me about my moms birthday, I might go down to see her next week if I'm not busy" Tenma replied, walking up the stairs to the second floor

"If you do, tell your mom I say hi" Kamishiro added.

"Will do" Tsukasa nodded, opening the door to their lecture room; it was time for their school day to begin.

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