Chapter 25.5 ⭐️

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Nene's POV:

It's been two years since the four of us have graduated collage. And three years since I've proposed to the love of my life, Emu Otori. Today was the day we'd finally move on from engagement and finally get married.

My mother stood next to me as I gazed at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a gorgeous white dress with fancy flower embroidery and pearls. My hair had been done up to match it as well, put up in a flawless, flower decorated bun.

"Oh, Nene, you look so beautiful" Mom smiled, fighting to hold back tears

"Thank you" I blushed "I'm so happy you're here"

"Of course love, I wouldn't miss it for the world"

From behind us, there was a knock on the door as my dad entered, smiling at me proudly.

"Ready kiddo?" He asked as mom handed me a bouquet of yellow flowers. I nodded and stepped forward, but he pulled me into a gentle hug before I could start walking.

"Nene, I love you so much, I'm so happy for you, and just always remember I'm here for you, ok?" He sniffled

"Of course dad, thank you, I love you too" I said, trying hard not to cry and ruin my makeup.

The older man pulled away and held out his arm, which I grabbed and we walked out the door.

The hallway which we were going to walk down was quiet, and the guests had already stood from their seats as I walked down the isle, which was covered in multi colored flower petals.

The two of us walked all the way to the front of the room, where Rui, Tsukasa, and our bridesmaids stood. Rui would be wedding the two of us, and Tsukasa was there to be the ring man.

At the front of the room, I let go of my dads arm and he gave me a kiss on the cheek, before returning to his seat in the front, where my mom was waiting.

I listened to the soft music play as Emu came around the corner, with her own bouquet of yellow flowers, and holding her fathers arm just like I did mine.

I couldn't help but gasp and blush when I saw her. She looked absolutely stunning. Saki and Honami had helped her pick her dress, and they certainly knew what to do.

She looked gorgeous as she walked down the isle with a smile. Her big, poofy dress bounced as she walked, her hair was done up perfectly and had flowers and pearls braided into it.

I couldn't help but stare as she made her way up to me, leaving her dad as walked up to stand in front of me.

We smiled stupidly at each other as Rui stepped up, beginning to talk as he read through a book.

Rui talked for a while, before asking for any objections, nodding when he heard none, and went on to asking us if we had vows. The two of us nodded and he gave us time to speak; Emu went first.

"Nene, I just want to say, that you are beyond amazing." She started, her face turning as pink as her hair "Ever since day one, I knew that I wanted to be with you. You were stunning at first sight, and I couldn't help but be in awe, and feel butterflies whenever I was around you. For the longest time, you hid behind RoboNene, and I've always wondered who was the face behind the mask, and wow, I wasn't expecting one as beautiful as yours. Through my entire life, you've always been there to support me, comfort me, and make every moment infinitely better. I know this is rather short, but if I didn't shorten it, we'd be here for the rest of the day, but I'm sure I'll be able to tell you everything soon enough. Thank you, Nene Kusanagi, for everything."

At this point, holding back tears was almost impossible. I sniffled and looked her in the eyes lovingly, as I started to say my part.

"Emu, you are the most exciting, beautiful, wonderful, kind, loving, caring, funny, extraordinary, compassionate, brilliant, most magnificent person I've ever met." My voice wobbled as she looked at me, everyone else in the room was forgotten about "You helped me become such a better person from day one. You helped me open up to everyone, but you always let me take my time. You always made sure I was comfortable doing something before even agreeing, even if it's just the simple things. Because of you, I don't think I'd be half the person I am today. Your kind, optimistic, loving, and outgoing self has always had me jealous. I've always wanted to be like you, although I don't think I ever will, but I'm sure with you by my side, I can at least get close. You're such a wonderful person and no one else can compare to you. Your always the one I'm thinking about, and if I had a a star for every time you crossed my mind, I would have a whole galaxy. I'm so glad you've always been there for me, from day one, and I hope I can continue to be with you, see you smile and laugh everyday, for the rest of time"

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