Chapter 25 ⭐️

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Tsukasa's POV:

The next morning I woke up, buried under heavy blankets and Rui's arms. The events of last night slowly came back to me as I blinked myself awake.

"Mmph" I grumbled, glancing up to see him smiling at me

"You're up?" He whispered, bringing a hand up from my waist to play with my hair

"Uh huh" I mumbled, leaning my head back into his hand

"Good morning then" he smiled, kissing the top of my head sweetly. We laid together for about 20 minutes before I decided to roll over from my arm going numb. Rui hugged me from behind and kissed up and down my neck occasionally as I tried to keep myself awake.

"What about class?" I said, coming to a realization that it was Friday, although I couldn't bother with panicking

"An email was sent out earlier saying it was a snow day. The storm got really bad last night and most of the teachers couldn't make it over this morning" he explained quietly

"Oh, that's good I guess" I yawned, scooting back to be closer to the other

At some point I fell asleep again, but was woken up not long after by 3 lively voices

"Rui! Tsukasa! Wakey wakey!" A familiar electric voice announced

"It's morning!" Another two chimed in together

I picked my head up and was met with three figures emitting from Rui's phone. Miku, Rin and Len all stood together, waiting for us to get up.

"Eh- how long've you been there?" I asked

"About 3 minutes" Len smiled


Behind me, Rui let go of me and sat up with a stretch, before reaching over to grab his phone.

"Morning" he yawned as I sat up to lean on his shoulder

"Hiiii!" Miku and Rin beamed

"Hey Rui!" Len waved

"You guys should come over to Sekai! We're having a cocoa party and Emu and Nene are already over there!" Miku invited, bouncing up and down eagerly

"Sounds good to me, I'm not turning down cocoa" I nodded, looking up and Ru.

"I suppose I can't say no either" he agreed "Why don't you three head back and the two of us will be over in a minute?"

"Alright!" The three said in unison

"See you!" The energetic blondes dismissed, leaping back into their digital world

"Don't be long, you know we're impatient" Miku instructed before leaving herself

"Bye" I said, although they were already gone. Rui set his phone next to him and immediately turned around to hug me.

"Love you" he mumbled, burying his face in my neck

"Hehe, Love you too" I smiled, wrapping my arms around him

It didn't take long for us to part and start getting ready. I threw on a sweater and some warm pants, matching the theme of winter and cocoa (although not quite Christmas). It seems Rui had the same idea as me because once he emerges from the bathroom he was wearing the same thing.

"We're matching" I pointed out and he nodded

"I know" he grinned

We moved back into the bathroom and brushed our teeth and fixed up our hair, before we grabbed my phone and jumped into Sekai.

It didn't take long for my shoes to hit the familiar grounds of the Sekai, although something that wasn't as familiar was the snow that blanketed the normally cleared walkways.

"I guess Sekai can mimic our worlds weather" Rui shrugged as he looked around

"Looks like it" I agreed, grabbing his hand as we start walking to the fountain.

At the fountain, surely enough, was everyone else. They all stood and enjoyed their warm beverages, chatting amongst themselves. Meiko was the first to notice us and waved us over.

"Hi boys" she smiled

"Hi" I smiled

We greeted everyone else and grabbed some drinks, but while I was chatting I caught Nene looking over at me.

"Nene? Are you alright?" I asked, moving over to her

"Yeah, but are you? It looks like you and Rui have worked it out, no?" She asked, gesturing to my purple haired roommate, who was laughing with Kaito

"Oh, yeah, you could say that" I smiled stupidly as a blush creeped across my face as I looked over at him

"Are you and Rui dating now?" Emu asked quietly as she walked over, taking Nenes free hand in hers

"Uhm, one second" I said, walking over to him and dragging him somewhere out of earshot

"Huh? What's wrong love?" He asked

"Emu was asking if we're dating, should we tell them?" I asked

"Yeah, I'm alright with it if you are, although I'm sure they already know" he said, brushing some colorful hair out of his face

"Let's tell them then, just to clarify"

"Alright then" he smiled, looking back over to make sure no one was looking before giving me a quick kiss, his lips soft and tasting like chocolate. I blushed as he lead me back over, asking everyone for their attention

"Everyone, real quick" he started, looking at me and smiling "we have some news"

Everyone turned their attention to us as Rui looked over at me, expecting me to finish the sentence, and eager sparkle in his eyes. I gazed up at him and grinned stupidly, the adrenaline already coursing through my body.

"Rui and I have officially started dating!" I beamed

Everyone else clapping and giving small cheers. Luka leaned over to Meiko and whispered a "took them long enough" only to be playfully elbowed in the ribs.

"Yay! Good for you guys!" Miku jumped

"Yes, congratulations boys" Kaito smiled

They congratulated us and we talked about the topic for a little while until moving on to something else. I don't think I've ever been happier and more content in my life. I feel like I've been saying that all day, but it's truly how I feel, and I'll say it a hundred times more.

The more we talked, the later in the day it grew, and one by one we began peeling off, diving back into our regular lives.

Rui and I were one of the last to leave, saying goodbye to the few that were left and flashing away, back to the warm dorm room we shared.

The rest of the afternoon had been spent doing nothing other than cuddling and chatting. I felt so much better after yesterdays drama, and for once I even felt stress free, not caring about schoolwork, negative mental health, and Tess. It had all been forgotten. The only thing I needed to know was that I had Rui and he would be there for me more than ever now.

Outside it had grown dark, and a fresh blanket of snow was coating the ground. The two of us were laying in my bed together, Rui on top of my chest as I ran my fingers through his soft and colorful hair. It felt euphoric to be lying here with him. He's all I've ever wanted and more.

However, despite wanting to stay up for hours and do nothing but talk with him, my eyelids began to grow heavy. Rui realized this as my voice had also quieted a noticeable amount, so he sat up, brushing the hair off his face. He smiled down at me as his face grew closer, before placing a sweet kiss on my lips, and just the sensation alone could've woken me up if I wasn't this tired. The other then turned off the TV and the lights, situating the both of us to be more comfortable, before kissing my cheek.

"Good night, Tsukasa, I love you" he whispered, wrapping his arms around me

"Love you too" I mumbled, and before I knew it, I had fallen asleep

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