He's Alive

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After overhearing the conversation between Sybil and Grimald I was bound and determined now more than ever to find a way to end this curse. I was absolutely terrified, but since I was already involved then I figured I couldn't back out now. A part of me just wanted to demand answers from my aunt, but I had no idea what kind of consequences that would have. With this priest snooping around now, my aunt seemed like someone to avoid at all cost.

The next morning Sybil and I went to check on my aunt and found her sitting on the couch with the Bible in her hand. After making sure she had what she needed Sybil told her that she needed my help with some errands. My aunt thankfully didn't argue, in fact she didn't even really seem to notice us the entire time we were there. 

"Well sweetheart, let's see what this carpenter can do for us. The sooner we get this done the sooner we can hopefully bring this situation to a close."

I nodded my head in agreement. I don't know how Grimald was able to keep his head up and not show fear throughout all of this. All I wanted to do was run home and cry. 

"S-Sybil, should w-we c-consider questioning my aunt?" I asked hesitantly.

"Honestly child, I have thought about it, but I don't think it would end well for Grimald if we did. Right now the way it seems, your aunt is involved with the Old Church Order, and us questioning her will confirm the truth about Grimald. I don't think it would be a smart move on our part."

We arrived at the carpenter's shop and spoke to him for almost an hour making sure he understood what we wanted and that it was urgent we had it quickly. He looked through our photos and said he could do it no problem. He seemed pretty laid back and was comical, definitely a nice change from the tone we have been facing lately. 

"Alexis sweetheart, I need to make one more stop before we go home."

I mumbled an alright and leaned against the door while shutting my eyes. The hum of the motor and gentle sway of the car was lulling me to sleep. I never noticed when the car stopped or when Sybil opened and shut the door. 

After a peaceful few moments I suddenly felt myself being violently jerked out of Sybil's vehicle and shoved onto the pavement. Before I could catch my bearings someone grabbed my by the hair of my head and pulled me to a standing position.


"Wh-where is wh-what?"

"Don't play dumb bitch! Where the hell is the book?! I know you have it!"

"I-I don't know wh-what your t-talking about," I cried.

A fist connected with my cheek and I was back on the ground. Slowly lifting my head I saw the priests angry red face glaring down at me. The look on his face told me that he would have no problem killing me no matter who was around. 

"Your aunt has the cross and she use to have the book. It's kind of an odd coincident that one of them goes missing right after you show up don't you think?"

I knew what he wanted, but no matter how terrified I was, there was no way in hell I was going to give it up. I just laid quietly holding my cheek watching this crazy mad man dressed like a priest.

"Now you are going to tell me where exactly that book is or you will suffer the same fate as Alvina!"

My mind was racing and I all could hope for was that what I was feeling inside was not clearly visible on my face. All I felt was pure and utter terror.

"STOP STALLING AND TELL ME WHERE IT IS!!!!" He screamed before grabbing me by my throat and slamming my against the car.

I couldn't breathe but I squeaked out, "I d-don't k-know anything a-about any b-book."

Before everything went totally dark I felt myself be dropped again and the sound of Sybil's voice screaming. I saw a large shadow in front of me and slowly rolled onto my back in time to see Grimald holding the priest by his neck. His wings were fully extended hiding me from view, the warm summer breeze had his hair blowing in different directions. To me he looked like a dark winged night, to others I'm sure he looked like the angel of death. 

I couldn't see the priest but I heard Sybil's voice saying, "Put him down Grimald. This is not the time or the place for his punishment. You don't want to Alexis see you like this do you?"

I heard a thump and noticed the priest laying in a heap at the gargoyle's feet. 

"Alexis, love? Can you hear me?"

I was barely able to move my head in a nodding motion but I must have been successful.

"Take her to my place Grimald. I have some things that will help with the swelling in her throat as well as the healing of her vocal chords."

"I'm sorry love but I have to move you, this may hurt a bit."

I did my best to smile at him letting him know it was alright, but I'm sure it looked more than a grimace than anything else. Ever so gently the large giant picked me up and the comfort of his embrace allowed me to finally close my eyes and rest knowing I was safe. 

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