A Scare

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I tried to find something, anything to keep me busy. Unfortunately, I had done such an excellent job of keeping the house work up that there wasn't anything for me to do but read. I considered pulling out that freaky book of spells and looking it over but my cowardice self chose to leave it where it was, I had enough going on without selling my soul.

After about an hour of reading my phone rang and Mom's name popped up on my screen. As horrible as it sounded, I honestly didn't want to answer. Picking up the phone meant lying to my mother and I never did that. Sighing, I selected the answer button and did my best to make myself sound like I was alright and not slowly losing my mind.

"Hi mom! How are you and dad doing?"

"Just fine dear! I haven't heard from you in a while so I thought I would call and check in. How is your aunt doing? Any improvements?"

I was quick to go into as much detail as possible about my aunt's health to avoid lying through my teeth about how I was doing and what I was up to. I did my best to stay focused on our conversation, not allowing myself to think about the last few days.

"What have you and dad been up to?" I asked, avoiding any sort of discussion about me.

"Well, that's kind of another reason why I called. We thought maybe it would be nice for the two of us to go on a little getaway. Nothing fancy. We have just been lonely without you around and thought this would be a nice way to help the time go by faster."

At the moment, all I wanted to do was break down, cry and beg them to take me with them. I suddenly had the overwhelming feeling of being alone. The wave of homesickness that overtook me made me feel nauseous and almost caused a panic attack. Taking a deep breath in I smiled and began to excitedly chat with my mother about their vacation plans.

"Well dear I am glad you are doing alright. I need to go and make dinner for your father and I but I will be sure to check in with you more often, alright?"

"Sounds good mom. Tell dad I love him."

With that our conversation came to an end and I was left alone in the silence. I looked out my window to see the sun set and suddenly realized just how late it was. I wasn't hungry nor was I sleepy but the deafening silence was killing me and I desperately wanted to watch TV. Trying,, for some odd reason, to be quiet I slipped off my bed and made sure to lock my window and close my curtains before heading downstairs. I didn't want to take any chances while being home alone. In the kitchen I was trying to decide what would calm my nerves when a tapping on the glass gave me a small heart attack.

Feeling every limb in my body shaking I slowly walked to the back door and looked out the window. A scream tore from my throat and I leaped ten feet into the air, before landing unsteadily back onto my feet and covering my racing heart.  Grimald was just standing there watching me the entire time as if I was some fascinating piece of art, or in this case, freak of nature.

I stormed out the back door ready to give this, man a piece of my mind.

"What is wrong with you?! I nearly had a heart attack because of you! Has Sybil not taught you how to knock on doors like a normal person or did you enjoy watching me almost die?"

I gelt my heart beat finally begin to slow down and my breathing became even again. I crossed my arms and stared at Grimald waiting for his reply. During this time I chose to check him out, and he was even more magnificent alive than he was in stone. His muscular body was more defined and his wings were twice the size they were when he was stone. He looked like something that could either entertain your fantasies or haunt your nightmares but when I took the time to look into his eyes, there was no hint of malice. Grimald looked almost kind, thought his face was set and hard.

"I apologize. Sybil warned me if I took this approach I would frighten you but I didn't think knocking on your aunt's door was the best approach."

I had to stop and force myself to actually focus on the words coming out of his mouth. His voice was a deep baritone something every woman wanted in a man, but was a very rare find. Shaking my head to clear it I got back to the situation at hand.

"I suppose you aren't wrong," I said. "People may see you and we don't want my aunt catching a glimpse of you. Are you hungry or..."

I trailed off after that realizing I didn't know anything about Gargoyles. Do they eat regular human food or do they have a special diet? What do they drink?

"Thank you, I'm alright. I have been wanting to ask how you have been since the incident the other night. I'm sorry if I scared you."

"Oh no, actually I should be thanking you. I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't come along."

I wrapped my arms around myself feeling chilly even though it was summer. The fear of that night settling back into my bones caused a shiver to rake down my spine. Grimald had not taken his eyes off me once, watching every move I made. He seemed to notice my shiver because he disappeared for a few moments before reappearing with a blanket and wrapping it around my shoulders.


That was the only word he said before we both sat next to each other ready for a conversation that was about to change the entire course of my life.

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