Coming Clean

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"How do you know that name?"

The cold undertone to his voice absolutely terrified me, causing a chill to run down my spine. I had to remember that even he seemed harmless he was at least 20 times my size and it wouldn't take much for him to break me. I couldn't let my guard down, even if I did need his help to get out of this mess. 

"What was the object that they tied your soul to?" I asked, suddenly wondering if by some chance I could not only change the subject, but get some more answers.

I felt his eyes boring into the side of my face and I finally turned to look at him, eyes wide with fear. 

"How about answering my question first little one?"

I knew he was trying to be gentle and not terrify me more than I already was, but I didn't want to tell this gargoyle that the book was hidden under my bed. That one day I chose to be snoopy and found it underneath the floor in my room. 

I gulped trying hard to stay calm before I turned away again and stood up. 

"Wait here," I said to him. 

I would have invited him to follow me but judging by his size there was no way he would fit in my aunt's tiny cottage, not without breaking anything at least. I had been keeping this house spotless, so I'd rather save myself the trouble and just have him wait here. 

Making my way up the stairs my mind kept conjuring up every possible outcome showing Grimald the book could have. None of them were good and honestly I was terrified to acknowledge the power this book held and the danger it was putting me in. 

I quickly found the book again and noticed my hands shaking while I grasped it. This thing should have never been written, if I had my way I'd throw in the fireplace and be done with it. But now it seemed like it could be helpful in possibly helping me return to a normal lifestyle, and maybe even uncursing Grimald. 

I slowly walked back down the stairs and out the back door and paused to look at his back, well wings. Those things were ginormous and frightening to look at, I mean his wingspan was unrealistic! Shaking myself out of my thoughts, I came around and stood in front of him keeping my eyes on the ground and warily holding the book out for him to take. Honestly, it would probably do him more good than me since I couldn't read the ancient text. 

He slowly yet carefully reached out and took the book from me, and then proceeded to life my face up by cupping my cheek. Even sitting down he towered above me. 

"Where did you find this?"

It was  simple question but I truly felt like he was disappointed in me, and that thought upset me. 

"I was cleaning the house one day, and I found a little hidden door in the floor of my room. I was curious so I opened it and there it was. I can't understand anything in there let alone read it, so I researched the book online and that's how I figured out what it was. I don't know if my aunt knows its there to be honest."

My voice came out in a whisper as I maintained eye contact with him, unable to move my face away from his hand. 

"A little thing like you doesn't need to know what is in this book, the evil and destruction these words bring. I want you to put this back where you found it and don't touch it again. I will speak to Sybil about this since I am sure she is unaware of this."

I slowly nodded in agreement, figuring that he knew better than I did what to do in this situation that I found myself in. But, now that I had answered his question it was time for him to answer mine. Before I could ask him again about what object his soul was bound to, he seemed to take interest in something that was around my neck. Looking down in confusion, I saw the rings that the creepy shop lady gave me. 

"Little one," he whispered, his voice strained. "Where did you get those?"

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