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The car ride to my aunts house was a quiet one. I couldn't get the name of the gargoyle out of my head, it was something beautiful and conjured up different images of this creature. The name also added to my questions about him, and my instincts told me that Sybil might hold a lot of the answers. Of course this was all just a legend, a folktale to draw people in and earn money off of, so why am I feeling so drawn to it?

"What's on your mind dear?"

Sybil's voice pulled me out of my revering and caused me to turn and face her. I could see the slightest hint of a smirk on her lips but quickly dismissed it. I think the reason I am feeling this way is because of how homesick I am. I quickly faced my lap again and pulled at my fingers, rubbing, squeezing, little things I had a bad habit of doing when I was nervous. 

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Sybil glance in my direction, so I quickly shook my head to indicate there was nothing on my mind. I heard her sigh from beside me and felt guilty, I knew she was just trying to get to know me and make me feel more comfortable, but I just hated speaking to much.

"Would you like to hear a little about Grimald?"

I instantly perked up at the question before clearing my throat and casually nodding in reply. Her chuckle caused me to blush and hide my face behind a curtain of my hair.

"As legend has it, he just appeared one night on the outskirts of town. No one knew where he came from or what he was. Unfortunately, that was the time of paranoia and the churches ran the towns like a cult. Poor creature was mistaken for something evil all because of his appearance. No one took a moment to get to know him or give him a chance to prove to the townsfolk that he was nothing to be afraid of. The ministers of the town saw this as an opportunity to prove their power to the townsfolk and make an example of him. They wanted everyone to see that they could destroy the devil themselves."

I swallowed and began bouncing my knee, for some reason I was beginning to get anxious.

"The problem was when Grimald first appeared, he was sure to make himself scarce; hiding in the darkest parts of the forest, only appearing at night to feed himself. The ministers could not catch site of him let alone catch him. One day that all changed and Grimald suffered dearly for it."

Looking up at Sybil I whispered, "What changed?"

She gave me a sad smile before looking back to the road. 

"He fell in love," she whispered.

"There isn't much written or told about the girl in question, but she was the most innocent soul in the town. Grimald knew the risk he was running when he chose to pursue her, he knew that would be his downfall."

"Why did he pursue her knowing the priest would use it to harm him?"

For some reason there was a harsh tug on my heart strings as I asked my question. It sounded as if Grimald meant no harm to anyone and I had a feeling what they did to him was something no one deserved. How could people be so evil as to harm something so harmless?

"Grimald didn't care much about being caught, all he knew was that he couldn't live without that beautiful pure soul. So, each night he would sneak into town and sit outside her window, guarding and protecting her. From their they would sneak out to see each other, enjoying the embrace of the other. She was the only soul in the village that did not judge him based on his appearance, all she saw was a sweet creature who loved her and would protect her at any cost."

Gulping down the lump in my throat I felt my stomach drop as Sybil paused. If one didn't know any better you would think that Sybil was there when all of this happened, but if she lived in Albany all her life, she was probably very well versed in this story.

"One night, Grimald was waiting for his love in the same place they met every night. When he didn't see her waiting for him, doubts and fears began to flood his mind. Hours past by and before he knew it the sun was beginning to rise, but she had not appeared. Every night after that he came to their spot waiting and hoping that she would be there, but she never came. One night while he was waiting for his love, he found a note hidden between the rose bushes beside where he sat. That letter ripped his soul apart and destroy everything in him."

When she stopped talking I quickly looked at her urging her with my eyes to continue. When they didn't I decided to ask.

"What did the note say?"

Sybil's eyes began to water and she took a deep breath. 

"The note said that she had killed herself, simply because she realized she could never be with a monster like him, or the Devil as the note said. Day in and day out he never left the spot that held all the memories of the whispers, promises and touching that happened under the watchful eyes of the stars. The night that he was beaten and cursed was a night that he had been warned was coming. He knew the ministers were rallying the townspeople to destroy him, yet he did not care. In fact, he was hoping that they would end him so he could see her again, but what they did to him was much worse."

I didn't realize that tears had been streaming down my face until I reached up to wipe at my nose. These people sounded horrible, even though he was already suffering, they deemed themselves God and chose to make his pain worse.

Sybil continued.

"The truth is, the sweet angel never actually killed herself. The ministers drowned her in the river that was the heart of the town. They knew burning her at the stake like other 'witches' would alert Grimald and he would save her."

"What was her name?" I asked quietly.

Sybil smiled, "Her name was Alvina."


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