In to Deep

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Sometimes I wondered if jumping on a plane back home would set my life back on track and would make everything back to normal, but unfortunately this conversation made me realize that would never happen. How could I go back to being normal when I had a living breathing gargoyle sitting next to me watching me like a hawk? Nothing was normal, it almost seemed that everything we as humans new was a lie, unless it was just this town.

I stared straight ahead waiting for Grimald to say something, but all he did was sit there and stare at me. Honestly, it was making me nervous. What was he watching for? Was he waiting for me to scream, run? What would be the point?

"I know your story from my research and what others have told me, but I don't understand why all these strange things are happening to me. I mean, you aren't even suppose to be real!"

I was desperately trying not to hyperventilate as I felt a panic attack start to settle in, things were finally starting to catch up to me.

"What do I have to do with any of this? Who were those guys chasing me? Why were they chasing me? How did you come to be?"

I heard him sigh and slowly turned to face him wanting to be able to watch him for any signs of a lie. I had so many questions and I was hoping he would be able and willing to answer all of them.

"Why don't we start with my story. You know how I came to be correct?"

I nodded my head before I stated, "Yes, you were cursed."

He nodded and looked down before continuing.

"After I was cursed to not just turn into a statue, I was also cursed to be controlled, made a slave with a master. The church wasn't paranoid, they wanted power and they believed through me they could control the after life, Hell specifically. They truly believed that I was Satan based off how I looked and that controlling me would get them closer to being like God. They had in their possession a book of spells, something that could give them the ability to do anything, but with a price. When they cursed me to change they tied my soul to an object, something that anyone who had possession of it can use me in anyway they see fit even if it goes against my wants, I have no control."

He took a moment and breathed a deep breath hanging his head low.

"I have had to do things that I am not proud of but over time it seems the object was lost. I haven't been used in the last 200 years, but it seems someone is either searching for the object or searching for a new way to tie my soul to themselves."

I jumped in having a question that I need to ask, well many questions.

"Is there anyway to reverse it? The curse I mean."

I felt nothing but compassion and sadness for Grimald. I understand he is terrifying to look at and is nothing like us, but how does that justify being a power hungry jerk?

"No." His voice interrupted my thoughts. "Sybil has tried to find ways to get rid of my curse but unfortunately there is no way to change what has already been done."

I watched his face very carefully and I noticed him grit his teeth by the flexing happening in his jaw. I chose to bring this topic up with Sybil later because everything can be undone, can't it?

"When was the last time you saw the book?"

He looked in my direction, seeming to assess why I was asking, trying to see what my intentions were before he answered.

"With my last master. Each priest was taught how to control me and handed down the object along with the book, in case they ever needed to use it. When my last master died, he promised no one would ever find the book or object again. He was saving both for someone.....special. This someone doesn't seem to know where any of these items were hidden since they haven't been able to....use me. For some reason they seem to think you know where these items are since his minions were sent after you."

I closed my eyes and started bouncing my leg up and down while trying to breathe.

"Was the book called 'Accalia'?" I whispered, praying that I was wrong and this was all a coincidence.

I felt him freeze beside me and instantly knew I was in deeper than I thought, I was in some serious trouble.

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