Important Story Announcement

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Hello, my amazing readers. I have news.
Whether good or bad, is up for debate.

As some of you may already know, I've been in a rut with my writing. Keeping up with work and hobbies, all while juggling life. The motivation hasn't exactly been there. I have slowly been writing up a chapter and fixing it up so it makes sense. Inspiration has hit me a few times recently. I have set a standard for this story and want to keep delivering good content to you all.

I'm posting this announcement because from here on out, any story updates for To Love A Killer and all future projects will no longer be published here on Wattpad. At least for the time being.

Wattpad has been a frustrating experience for me when it comes to publishing my work. It's mentally and physically exhausting. I've exhausted every option I could think of. I appreciate those who have reached out with advice!

I apologize and don't mean to ramble. I certainly won't be discontinuing this fanfic.
I wanted to give a fair warning that I am in the process of taking chapters down off Wattpad.

Story Link here, Also in my bio. Feel free to share. I'm thinking I'll release chapters on there weekly, every Saturday. It gives me time to finish chapter 8 before publishing it. I've also decided to try a new style for Zandor when he speaks, so we'll see how that goes! Chapters are now named. And so far, editing has been a dream on Ao3.

Do not repost my story elsewhere.

Sharing on your socials is one thing, but posting the whole story on another site and offering to credit me is not okay.

You can find the story at these links.

User Link:

Story Link:

Twitter Link:

If you've made it this far and are still reading: To Love A Killer and all future projects will be published on Ao3 under the same profile name (HellCatiiix)

I'll be taking the story down off Wattpad gradually. For now, I might just announce that it's been updated on Ao3 and if you choose to head over there to read it, you know I would appreciate it. I always love the support from everyone and love hearing your thoughts and reading your comments. I've been feeling discouraged about this whole thing, but in order to make this process easier on me so I can give you all good content, I think this is the best course of action. I have yet to get any of the story up, but that's because I'm trying to finish chapter 8 and get the hang of things on Ao3 before publishing To Love A Killer on there. I am going to put up one of my other projects on there. A new one. Keep an eye out for it!

That being said, I'm still in the process of writing the newest chapter for To Love A Killer, along with future chapters. The story is coming together pretty nicely. 

I want to thank everyone so much for your support. You have no idea what it means to me. I understand if this is an inconvenience to some of you and can be frustrating. As always, I do like hearing feedback. So any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

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