Chapter Seventeen: Days Gone By

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Chapter Seventeen: Days Gone By

Joseph and Mylar stood before Taylor ready to for the fight; Mylar was now using his familiar shield as not to hold anything back. As for Joseph he used the same Claymore as before gripping it in both hands, its tip burning into the grass below it. Taylor had to be smart, his two swords would be challenging to use against two powerful hand to hand fighters. He'd done some research about sword fighting techniques when he found out about the Gladius, and using two blades wasn't always a good idea. He took a deep breath trying to slow down his heart as it had begun to beat at a far faster pace than he preferred, then pictured a shield. A tall rectangular shield, that similar to the ones the romans called a Scutum. It was Latin for shield, another thing Taylor had researched and was now glad that he had. It formed in his left hand, the fiery handle on the inside finding its way into his grip.

As one the two brutes charged for Taylor moving either side of him. Joseph swung his Claymore down in a vertical slash meant to cleave him in two, as for Mylar who stepped forward with his shield. They were trying to pin him between their weapons, but Taylor wasn't going to fall prey to such a ploy so easily. He rammed his own shield into the oncoming blow from Joseph and pushed the Claymore into the direction of Mylar, this caused him to turn in time blocking the tip of the blade with his shield. This gave Taylor his chance to vanish amongst sky blue flames and appear five feet away from them, and with a smile plastered on his face. Right before pulling off the move Taylor had noticed a strange tingle in the back of his mind, as if something was probing around. He realized it had been Joseph trying to read his thoughts and had managed to somehow block him out. It was like he put up a mental block within his own mind and by some miracle it had worked.

"So you've worked out how to keep me out, very few people know how to pull that off and usually not many have lived to find that out" said Joseph. Impressed at how fast he was adapting at solving problems.

"Lucky guess I suppose, at least it paid off" said Taylor. Still smiling as he stood ready for whatever was coming next.

"Let's see if it does this time" said Joseph. Then he was gone amongst a whirl of white flames and within a moment appeared to Taylor's left taking advantage of the weaker side of his defences.

Taylor ducked as his Claymore came swinging in for his head, and the air whistled as the blade passed over just barely clearing the top of his hair. He stepped back in order to gain some distance from that beast of a sword and to consider his next move, carefully. All the while he kept one eye on Mylar who now paced over to them, gradually moving to Taylor's rear. Presumably to catch him off guard in some way while Joseph engaged him, but knowing Mylar it wouldn't be as simple as that. The Claymore came crashing down yet again, instead of dodging our blocking Taylor swung his own blade out angling it to parry it away safely. This left Joseph wide open, sensing the opportunity Taylor slashed horizontally for his gut. As the blow came close a whoosh of white fire erupted besides him and Mylar materialized ramming his shield in deflecting the strike away.

Taylor wasn't surprised and he spun in the direction in which the blade was deflected and as he came round he was in a position to strike Mylar's unguarded flank. As his blade descended upon his exposed shoulder, Mylar shifted his stance in order to deflect the blow from the Gladius. However that's exactly what he wanted him to do, Mylar brought the shield up high exposing his lower legs. Right before the blade made contact; Taylor let it disappear then hooked his foot behind Mylar's and pulled with all his might. He began to fall back and then but a moment later and Mylar was on the ground a fiery sky blue Gladius at his throat. Mylar's chest was rising and falling rapidly in beat with his heart which was throbbing away against his ribcage.

"In no time at all he's damn near unstoppable, is this how skilled Arturios was?" thought Mylar. As he looked up to his king, a smile on his face. Panting and sweating profusely, he seemed so care free as well.

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