25 ᥴꫝ

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Jungkook looks at me while I chew onto the last piece of waffles.

"Tonight 8 o'clock. Is it fine?" I nodded. He chuckles looking at my mouthful pout. He came closer just to give a peck and swiping his finger over my chocolate coated lips.

He sucks the chocolate from his fingers and lets out a hum of delight. I giggled and he pinches my cheeks.

"Hmmm chocolate." We said in unison and chuckle together. Jimin comes in the dining room fixing his Rolex and looking at the time.

"I'll be leaving Y/N. Call me before leaving to Paris." He says focused on his phone.

"Oh how bad I wish all four of us could go. You know we didn't even went for our after marriage vacations. You've three been busy." I complained.

"No worries we would go as soon as Jimin Hyung and I are free my baby." Taehyung wraps his arms around my neck and lands a peck on my forehead. I giggle.

"Well I am looking forward to it like an obedient and understanding wife." He booped my nose. "I am proud of you my obedient and understanding wife."

We chuckle as Tae picked me up and sat me on his thighs.

"What are we eating today? Waffles?? But you don't like them!" I lean my head on his perfumed and well ironed suit. "I don't know maybe pregnancy cravings??" I shrugged while he nods understanding.

"Jungkook take care of her well! Okay?" Kook salutes at his Hyung breaking them into laughter.

"Take care of my child Kook." Jungkook pouts. "What do you mean by your child Jimin Hyung? It's my child too."

Jimin smiles. "Absolutely it is."

"My Daughter." Jungkook gives a shy grin almost blushing at the idea. I cresent my eyebrows looking at the bunny look alike mythical creature.

"What do you mean by daughter you bonehead?? My son!! Oh yeah I want a son."

Taehyung interrupted. "But I love girls. Daughters are so damn cute. I want the child to be a daughter too."

"Same goes to me. I even bought a whole damn salon, experts in handling newborn hair groomings, just for my daughter."

"Oh you all must be kidding. I want a son. A responsible and intelligent son who will make me proud and mama and baby son gonna go on a morning walk. Me making men drool and my son the hearthrob of the girls. Perfect!"

"Whatever I am fine with anything I just want to see him her running around calling me dad. I wanna be the perfect dad. I'd take her/him out for fishing, games and gym. No matter a guy or girl, I'd be there for both. I would never differentiate between the girl or guy. Both will be equal for me. But sure I am gonna break some bones if someguy looks at my daughter." Jungkook smiles.

"Oh trust me I am gonna choo some heads of somebody even dates to raise their eyes at my daughter." I glare at Jimin. He gives an awkward smile. "-A-and my son too."

Taehyung shrugs. "Whatever I want a daughter." I glare at him. "Don't you dare pick up an argument with me." He smirks. "What you gonna do about that?"

I raise an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? I'll reveal your sEcReTs~" He chuckles. "Well I don't have any-"

"Should I tell these both about what you did yesterday?? How's your horny di-" He shuts my mouth with his large palms giving nervous smiles to the both.

"Fine you win." He mutters under his breath only for me to listen.

"What did he do Y/N?"

"Nothing. Said he loves me more than you both. Even promised to take me away from both of you and live with a small family of me him and the baby."

Infinity (𝓢𝓶𝓾𝓽) 21+Where stories live. Discover now