1 ᥴꫝ

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His expensive black Louis Vuitton shoes tapping on the wooden floor.

His expensive gold Rolex clipped on his delicate pale wrist.

His expensive attire worth more than a monthly wage of any manager.

His exquisite pleasant look a drooling meal for a high class slut.

His face so well sculpted with no flaws but only pure defination of angel.....

His body at perfect proportion to his killer waist decorated with bold abs .......

His lips so juicy and lustrous that anyone can pay their life for just one kiss by his pink full plump ones.....

A sight to die for.....

A sight to die for

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ᑭᗩᖇK ᒍIᗰIᑎ....

Would you like to introduce yourself before I do ?? Or.... His deep husky voice spoke sending rough shivers down to the trembling guy infront.

I know nothing Mr.Park. His clearly scared and airy voice replied.

Mr.Park you say and then makes the mistake as well?? He leaned over to his left ear ..... Trust me you just made the worst mistake of your Fucking birth.

Sir why don't you trust me anymore I have served you fifteen years of my life!!


And there he walked inside looking fine so extreme that even the bodyguards inside bit their lips.

The killing machine of their gang. A sharp shooter and a hacker as well. Ace at basically everything....

The man of dreams of every girl....

With a perfect body of slim waist and heavy thick thighs perfect to bite on.....

Prince charming by every angle of his body and a devil by his heart....

Prince charming by every angle of his body and a devil by his heart

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ᒍᗴOᑎ ᒍᑌᑎᘜKOOK.....

His perfect long black hairs decorating his sweaty face . He smirked looking at the girl beside him being a total blushing mess.

Infinity (𝓢𝓶𝓾𝓽) 21+Where stories live. Discover now