Chapter 36

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Jeanette felt uncomfortable.

No. Even uncomfortable was an understatement.

Of course, she tried acting normally, with Oscar casually talking with her, joking around as any other day in school. Jeanette gave her best to act along, contributing with her own jokes into the conversation.

Still, she could not shake off the feeling. The atmosphere around them felt weird to her, gluey and slimy and it seemed to get on her skin and soak into it.

Oscar didn't look as if he noticed anything. Jeanette was good at hiding things, after all.

She just couldn't be friends anymore. It was hurting her too much.

Maybe the pain was the reason as to why she was locked in Oscar's bathroom after they had eaten dinner, excusing herself right afterwards. She was in his bathroom and the tiles were splashed with red.

She felt terrible about getting his bathroom dirty, but a few droplets spilled about. She will clean it later, but for now, she was focusing on the razor clutched in her hand and the raised sleeve of her sweater.

She did not cut deep - but the blood kept flowing in thin streams.

She just couldn't resist the urge to do it. The need to do it.

She wasn't even sure whose razor it was. She only found it in the cupboard.

When the blood finally stopped, she cleaned her arm with water, the skin where she had previously cut blending together to patch up the wound, which was barely even visible, only a tight line in between could be seen if you looked closely.

Shakily, she bent down with some toilet paper to wipe off the blood which has gotten onto the tiles. It came of easily, but left a faint red smudge. Jeanette cleaned it off with some wet toilet paper until it was sparkling, ignoring the burns on her arm.

She dumped the paper in the toilet and flushed.

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