Chapter 26

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The rest of the day was hell.

Their classmates noticed the tense atmosphere between them as they didn't talk and joke as before, when they'd do it all the time, but no one questioned anything much to her bigger relief.

She didn't want to explain what had happened to anyone.

Her hands hurt from the fresh injuries, but the pain did not measure up to the pain she felt inside in the slightest bit.

She managed to stay there for the sake of education, each break getting up to go to the bathroom and lock herself into one of the stalls, returning back as if nothing happened. It took every ounce of her will not to stand up and run away from there.

She had plenty other classmates with which she could go to and talk. Plenty other free seats since a few people were absent that day. But during classes, she stayed glued to her original desk and during the breaks, she was left alone as she wanted.

Even though she had friends finally, she also experienced her first big loss.

Back when she didn't have anyone, there was no one to really actually hurt her. Now that she had friends, she was bound to get hurt eventually.

And losing one of her friends, her dearest one, felt like a sharp stab to her chest.

It made it harder to breathe.

The worst thing was, Oscar didn't seem affected the slightest bit.

Sharp EdgesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora