Chapter 10: Unfairness of the System

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You arrived at the cafe 15 minutes before 9am. You chose a booth a little ways away from the main crowd. You weren't sure what was going to happen, or how Bonney would act, and figured the further away from people the better. Right at 9, they arrived. Kid saw you at the very back and he nodded at you and went to sit across from you.

Bonney who was walking behind him, glared at you. You gave a quick grin.

"Hey Y/N. Nice hickies."

You blushed at that but decided not to dwell on that. Drake had sharp canines, and they felt amazing on your neck but that wasn't something either one of them needed to know.

"Good morning. Did you guys want to order anything? My treat."

"No I want to get straight to the point." Bonney was still glaring at you. You were a little uncomfortable with the amount of animosity she was throwing at you, but did your best to ignore it.

"Okay. What do you want to know?"

"How long ago did you two have sex?"

Wow not pulling any punches.

"Uh maybe 8 months ago. Yeah about that."

"How many times did you two have sex?"

"Uh are we talking rounds or the amount of days? Cause if it's rounds, we went a couple. Days? Just one night."

"Were you a virgin?"

"Why does that matter?" You were starting to get annoyed. You had told yourself to remain calm for Kid's sake, no one wanted to serve a military service for having two failed matches.

"Because! It just does!"

"Yes I was."

"Did you want him again after that?"

"Yes, but I never asked for another night and neither did he. Because we agreed on one night and that was it. And we don't text each other unless it's in our group chat."

"Show me your phone. Kid deleted his messages for the past month, and I want to see what you all talk about."

You unlocked your phone, and gave it to her. She first looked through all your messages and social media dms. Kid wasn't in any of them.

"Bonney I don't understand. You came to my wedding, and from what I can see Kid has been very honest with you. So what is the real issue?"

She huffed and all but threw your phone at you.

"I just don't like you. And I hate that Kid is your friend!"

"Bonney be real. What is it you want?"

Her face was turning red.

"How did you score a mid-tier match? Did you screw your social worker to get him?"

"Ew no. Drake is a low-tier match too. He was demoted a while ago."

This seemed to shock Bonney.

"Haa. Bonney if you don't want me to text Kid anymore I won't. After that night he and I never hung out with it just being us two. But if it makes you uncomfortable having me around, I'm willing to back off for a while, until you're more at ease with our friendship."

She seemed to think for a moment. Before dialing someone's number. Smirking the whole way.

"Perona. Hey what do you think about Y/N. Yeah Kid and Killer's friend."

Seriously she was calling Perona now?

You didn't know Perona very well, but whenever you saw her, she seemed okay around you. The more Perona talked the deeper Bonney's frown got. She glared at you, and you could swore she started to growl.

"Aren't you worried about her and Killer?"

Okay you'd never slept with Killer! You saw him as a big brother and treated him that way! Killer was 100% dedicated to Perona.

"I get it. Later." She was huffing and puffing.

"Bonney...are you purposefully trying to break off your match?" You dared to ask.

"Of course not! This would be my third one! One more failure and I'll."

"Go to reform camp...I don't understand then why are you so upset?"

"All the guys I've ever slept with, I never contacted them again! Ever! But you and Kid? You guys are weird!"

"We're friends who were attracted to each other. And we talked about what would happen after that night in length. We would stay away from each other and not contact each other for an entire month. Which we did, and when we agreed to that night we made sure we were never by ourselves. We stuck to the group chat."

Bonney just kept seeming like she was trying to find something anything.

"Bonney are you trying to fabricate something so you can sever the matching with Kid?"

Her eyes widened and so did Kid's. She then glared at you, and Kid just seemed lost.

"How many matches have you severed Bonney? You do know purposefully doing that you could end up in jail or the military."

"I think this conversation is over. I'm leaving."

And leave she did. Leaving you and Kid to just stare at her.

"Kid you need to call your Social Worker now! Tell him everything and see if you can get a new match."

Kid was still out of it. So you lightly smacked his cheek.

"Kid! Call him now! She will twist the story to fit her narrative and then you'll be the one who gets fucked over! Call him now!"

This got Kid moving and he made the call. You sent a text to Drake, and to Sabo. He worked with a lawyer who specialized in these kinds of cases, you were hoping he'd be able to help.

15 minutes later Kid said he had to leave to meet the social worker you also gave him the number for the lawyer that Sabo suggested he talk to.

The system was so unfair towards men. Women could have up to 5 failed matches while men could only have 2. The reason why Kid's other march failed was because the girl got pregnant by some other guy, and she blamed her infidelity on Kid. When in fact, she had been sleeping around since they were matched. But it didn't matter, she was pregnant and the whole point of this system was to bring up the birth rate.

Your phone rang and it was Drake, you sighed and answered.


"How's Kid?"

"Not good. I'll be home soon. But I'm hungry and I'm going to order some food."

"Can I join you? Look to your left."

You did and smiled when you saw him.

"I don't see why not."

Holy crap!!! Finally and update for this story!!!! Sorry with how long it's been! Life has been getting crazy!!!!

Also sorry it was short!!!!!!

Much love to you all!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

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