Chapter 7: Intrusive Thoughts

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{Drake's POV}

You were out like a light when his alarm went off. He was oddly awake for someone who hadn't really slept. When he made love to you the first time, he felt amazing. With you it hadn't been because he needed to scratch an itch that's been bothering him, he wanted to make you feel good.

He appreciated that you'd been honest about only sleeping with one guy before him, but he'd seen him at your wedding. He heard Nami and Koala talking about the night you'd spent with the guy called Eustass Kid. His jealous side had come out when he saw the redhead dance once with you and smile at you.

It had been a childish attempt to make you forget your night with him. Maybe that's why he'd gone a little overboard with the love making.

"Mmmm." You nuzzled further into the pillows. "Why are you up so early? Did you not tire yourself out? You did most of the work and I'm exhausted."

He couldn't stop the laugh that came out of his mouth.

For real she's too damn cute.

"Good morning. I'm going for a run you want to join me?"

The swiftness of your sitting up and the wide eyed stare he got as an answer made him fall over laugh.

"Hahahaha! I was kidding!"

"I'm glad cause you bruised my pelvis. I don't think I'm going to be able to ride my bike for at least a week!"

You threw yourself down on the pillows and a swell of male pride ran through him. While he was sorry that you were sore, he was happy that he'd pleasured you, and saw a side of you that no one but him got to see ever again.

"I'll go for a run. When I come back we'll figure out what to do." He kissed your head and got into his running gear the way you went back to sleep made him chuckle again.

He put on his running playlist and just started to jog. He couldn't even begin to describe how happy and at peace he was. He couldn't even remember the last time he felt this way.

Probably when me and Smoker got into the police academy.

Thinking about his old friend made his anger come back again. He thought that they'd been friends, but when the opportunity came to be Hina's match. He knew for a fact that she'd requested a new match after his dad had attacked him.

"Drake it's the law! It has nothing to do with my feelings. I don't love Hina."

But that didn't stop you from dismissing the match you would've gotten.

"I haven't even met her yet. And they assured me that nothing will happen to her. Hina just needs someone she's familiar with."

Now that Drake was married to his own match, he could hopefully move on from the betrayal that he once felt from the two of them. He hadn't realized he'd run the full length of the beach until he came to a bunch of rocks that blocked his path.

"Guess I can go back."

Maybe I can convince Y/N to take a shower with me. Washing each other could be nice.

One Piece AU DrakeXReader: Match made in numbers or heaven?Where stories live. Discover now