Chapter 6: Get it done!

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A child within a year? What the hell?!

"What is the meaning of this? The wedding package was optional we chose not to take it. Y/N is moving into my home in the next two weeks, we have another 2 months before we're "supposed" to get intimate. And you want us to have a baby by next year when you're supposed to give us three? She's graduating this year! She's going to college!"

He looked between the two of you.

"You need to either get married or have a baby and then get married. Those are your options."

You're head started to ache. You suddenly got an idea.

"So you're saying that if we get married you'll but the fuck out of our lives?'

Both men stared at you:

"Yes." Lucci gave his creepy smile.

"Fine. Now get out." He left and Drake looked at you dumbfounded.

"Y/N? I don't understand. I thought you didn't want to accept the money."

"We're not. Meet me at the court house tomorrow. You have to leave right after school okay?"

"You sure you want to do it this way?"

"He never said he had to take the money just that we had to get married. I have a dress we'll take some pretty photos and it'll be over and done with. It's not that I don't want kids I do just not right now."

You'd made an impulsive on the fly and Drake was being gracious enough to go along with it. But your babbling made it sound like you were trying to get out of having kids altogether.

"Y/N, I truly do not care how we are married. We would've had to do it anyway. But you know, we don't have to wait for Monday. Just give me a minute."

He left and made a call, he was gone for thirty minutes. You didn't know why he was taking so long until he came out in a tuxedo.

"Let's go get your dress on. Call your friend Koala and see if she can bring her match as our witnesses. Tell them to meet us at your place."

You did as he said and when you got home, Koala and Sabo where there. Koala smiled when she saw you and Sabo shocked expression was priceless.

"Professor Diez is your match?! Are you kidding me?!!!"

"Oh shush! C'mon Y/N. Mr. Diez, Sabo has what you asked for, I'll get Y/N ready and we'll meet you there!"

~1 hour later~

"Isn't this a bit much Koala?"

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"Isn't this a bit much Koala?"

"Honey you look hot! That dress is amazing! Where did you even find it?"

Your dress was ivory, a deep bare back, a poofy skirt with pockets, with a satin belt around the waist and a v-neck, tank top bodice with lace embellishments. The back also had buttons from the small of your back all the way down to the end of the train. Your hair was down with messy curls cascading down your back. Your make up was bold on your eyes, and your lips. The only heels you had were black but luckily your dress hid everything. Koala was dressed in a knee length navy blue dress with red shoes.

One Piece AU DrakeXReader: Match made in numbers or heaven?Where stories live. Discover now