Chapter 2: Now what?

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After a few minutes of looking at the menu you decided to stick with water and eat a light vegetable soup. Diez ordered a 15 oz steak with a glass of wine. When the waitress left it got very quiet. The man across from you didn't know what to do, to be fair neither did you. To keep yourself distracted you got up to look at the reptiles in the room. The restaurant was interesting, it had different themed rooms ranging from animals, to cars, to places around the world.

You were staring at a bearded dragon when Diez finally spoke.

"Ms. L/N? What are you thinking about?" You turned to look at him, he was staring at the door. His profile was nice to look at.

"That bearded dragons are cute and I would have one if my apartment allowed it." He seemed shocked by the answer. "And also I'm trying to find a way to break the ice I guess. It was kinda quiet." You giggled and continued to look at the little lizard.

"I have one." He said so quietly you almost didn't hear him.

"You have one what?"

"A bearded dragon."

"No way! Really?" He pulled out his phone and showed you his Lock Screen. The little guy was wearing a top hat. "Awe! Too cute. Hehehe." You gave the phone back.

"You never had a pet before?"

"I may have at one point but if I did I don't remember it. And when you live in the foster apartments pets aren't allowed."

"Is that where you live now?"

"Yeah. But luckily since I live alone in a one bedroom one bathroom my rent is cheap."

"The government doesn't pay for it?"

"Not anymore. They stopped about 5 years ago. That's why a lot of people live together to keep living costs low."

"I'm sorry that's rough."

"I'm okay. I have a prepaid phone, I don't have a car so I don't have to worry about gas. I buy second hand for clothes and I keep my food simple."

"They've taken so many of the programs they used to have away. Why?"

"It's too much money. They were taxing everyone really high in order for those programs to run. But it's okay. It's taught me how to budget and how to coupon. Hehehe."


Before you could explain further the staff came in with your food along with Mr. Diez's wine and a tray of dessert and a champagne bottle.

"Excuse me, we didn't order this."

"Oh well your Social Workers did. They said you both are newly matched and this was their gift to you both! Congratulations!"

"Uh I'm only 18."

"Oh we are aware, but since this is with your match it's allowed. As long as you don't get drunk." They left and the both of you started to eat.

"Are you a vegetarian L/N?"

"Oh no, but uh with our situation we have, I didn't think I'd be able to stomach something heavier." You started to eat again but you still felt his eyes on you. "You know Mr. Diez whatever you have to say it won't offend me. Just speak your mind." You stared at him and he was frowning.

"Uh no it's nothing. Just thinking that maybe you could give your place a 30 day notice and you can move in with me. I have a spare bedroom and we can move all your things into it. If you'd like. I own my home and you wouldn't need to pay rent."

"Oh." You hadn't even thought about that. "Um yeah I can do that. I'll have to do it Monday though. The landlord isn't there on the weekends."

"Alright. I should probably give you my number. It'll be easier to contact you. Do you work weekends?"

One Piece AU DrakeXReader: Match made in numbers or heaven?Where stories live. Discover now