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[11th of September - Cardiff]

Calum knocked, feeling the weight of coming to Ashton's room so late at night hanging on him as he threw glances up and down the hall. Luke was nowhere to be seen today and he wondered if Sierra now had him on a short leash. Ashton had told him it would be fine to come by tonight, it was their two months, they should be able to watch movies and not be disturbed. And Calum remembered that Ashton knew how to play him, his guilt about forgetting their one month had him slinking up the hallway to Ashton's room despite knowing he really shouldn't.

Ashton appeared in the doorway, giving him a soft smile, tugging him in and pressing a kiss to his cheekbone. Calum took him in, freshly showered, with damp hair, the soft smell of his Lush body wash and a fluffy hotel robe wrapped firmly around him.

"It's hot in here, why are you wearing a robe?" he couldn't help but ask as he entered, looking around as if the room could somehow tell him the temperature.

"'M cold after the shower," the younger man explained shrugging. Calum didn't question it any further, letting himself be pulled toward the couch, Scream already waiting paused on the screen for them. Ashton curled in close to Calum's side pressing play and discarding the remote somewhere on the floor and then pressing himself in against Calum's side again.

Calum could tell it wouldn't take long of this and his arm would be sweating, the younger man must have had the heat on. He toed his shoes and socks off, Ashton not leaving his side as he did and when Calum shifted back into the couch, toes free to try and cool himself Ashton pressed his head against his chest.

He rubbed Ashton's hip through the robe, the towel material feeling nice against his skin, "you like Scream?"

"Yeah," Ashton replied quietly, "it's so campy," his hand rested on Calum's thigh. Calum could tell he was trying to be casual but Ashton's nerves made his movements obvious. He pretended not to notice, the younger man pressed up and kissed Calum's cheek softly. He turned and gave him a soft smile, ready to turn back to the screen but having his lips captured by the younger man's. Pushing up off Calum's thigh to lean across his lap and bring them closer together

He kissed him slowly, lulling Calum into a false sense of leisure before pressing Calum back into the arm of the couch and pulling himself the rest of the way across his lap. Calum groaned into the younger man's mouth, knowing he was probably letting Ashton get ahead of himself but how much damage could he really do? Their tongues met and Ashton shifted them again, pressing Calum further back into the arm of the couch, why not let Ashton be in charge?

Calum let his hands shift, one holding the back of Ashton's neck firmly, the other skirting down from his waist and under his robe, ready to slide a hand under the back of Ashton's t-shirt and feel warm flushed skin under his hand.

But he met skin immediately, no shirt to creep under, just hot skin. Calum's hand and lips retreated and Ashton's shaking hand went to the tie of the robe and pulled at the thick fabric, exposing expanses of pale skin.

Calum's eyes flicked to the ceiling, feeling as though he had walked in on something rather than been part of it, "you're naked," he said quietly.

"Yeah, I am," Ashton replied, and Calum was sure he was trying to be coy, but he didn't quite manage it. "I thought," he began, trying to disguise the waver in his voice, "we could go a little further than kissing,"

Calum shook his head, eyes still fixed on the ceiling, "Ash, no, it's only two months, I'm not fucking this up for you," he told him seriously, extracting himself from under Ashton without letting his eyes see any more than Disney channel had.

Ashton sighed, "it's been two months, I thought you wanted to do something special, something we hadn't done before," Calum heard him stand and fabric hitting the floor, his eyes darted to Ashton making sure to keep them above his waist but seeing he'd dropped the robe to the floor.

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