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[19th of July - Cincinnati]

They were back doing what they did best, getting coffee.

The younger man had come and found him and, in a hurried sort of way, asked if he wanted to disappear while Luke was on a run to the local Guitar Center, then Calum had climbed up off the floor so quickly, Ashton had laughed at him.

As they walked toward the coffee shop, Calum slipped his hand into Ashton's. He knew the chances of there being cameras pointed at them were high; there had only been more photos of Ashton since they'd caught them kissing in New York. But somehow, walking along a random street felt more private and personal than any moment they managed to have within spitting distance of Luke.

"So, did you think about Si's offer? There aren't many days left of tour," Ashton asked in a sing-song way, squeezing Calum's hand; a thank you for reaching for it, he supposed.

Calum hummed, "and my question remains, was I invited to Europe because I'm good at my job or because I happen to be your boyfriend now?"

The younger man shrugged innocently, "I'd be lying if I said that the boyfriend part hadn't had anything to do with it; I'm not objective enough, even subconsciously," Calum just eyed him in response, "Si actually suggested that you stay on, they're talking about another one of those tour books,"

He sighed, "I'll think about it; I should get the details from Sierra before I make a decision," really, he wasn't quite ready to make the commitment; it had only been just over a week. Being in the same place with Ashton if they broke up would be a special kind of weird. Ashton didn't have it in him to be cruel or punish him, which would probably make things worse.

"Okay," he said simply, seemingly happy the older man was at least considering it.

He didn't want to underestimate Ashton because that's what everyone, except maybe Sierra, seemed to do constantly. But he wasn't entirely sure the other had thought through what going to Europe would mean for this... relationship.

"So what do you have on when you get back to LA? I have a bit of time off before I leave for Europe," the last part he said with a shy sort of smile, letting their arms swing between them as he suddenly found the buildings across the street very interesting.

"Couple of gigs, few studio sessions," he shrugged, "I had a few favours I had to ask before I came on this tour, so once everyone knows I'm back in town, I'll probably have people calling in IOUs," He was laughing until a thought occurred to him, "KayKay told me to call her the other day, I just realised it's probably about us, not just a catch-up call," he brought his free hand to his face and groaned.

"You know," Ashton began, "I kind of thought you were KayKay's boyfriend when she first mentioned you," his eyes were watching the buildings again.

Calum laughed, "she's too smart to go anywhere near me,"

Ashton blanched, "and I'm not?"

Calum tugged him close and pressed a kiss to his forehead, "she just knows more about me than you do,"

"Comforting," he said with an eye roll.

"I never said I was a good guy Ash; I've got you fooled," Calum told him, and Ashton brought them to a stop, turning to Calum.

He fixed him with a disapproving look, "don't say that, even as a joke, Luke will never let it go," it surprised him how quickly and seriously Ashton's mood had changed, "I know you're just joking, but- you wouldn't be the first person who tried to hang around someone like me with bad intentions. I just- it's, there's a reason Luke is the way he is. I know you've probably been thinking that I give my friends a lot of leeway, but," he sighed, "their good intentions have paid off in the past,"

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