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[11th of June - Vancouver]

Over the next few weeks, Calum had managed to shuffle around photoshoots and call in favours from friends and acquaintances alike to make sure that he would be side stage the first night of tour. He had, however, had to compromise on not getting to leave with everyone else to have the time to shoot one final show he hadn't been able to find anyone to fill in for.

Everyone else had set out on the buses, and Calum had had to fly into Vancouver airport the morning of the show alone. It really wasn't bad, but it did add to his fears; he felt the sooner he settled in and made friends with a few people, he could move his thoughts from their fixation on Ashton, Ashton always Ashton. The thoughts had gotten to a point at one stage he'd actually considered that maybe it wasn't in his best interest to go on the tour; he could have called in sick last minute.

By the time his Uber was dropping him at the parked busses though he had managed to settle his thoughts about Ashton, he was just a vapid celebrity with an insane stage presence; he knew nothing about him. Those thoughts looping in his mind were enough to bring him back to his usual professional demeanour.

Sierra had told him the rest of them were at the venue already, but Michael had volunteered to wait for him at the buses so he could put his clothes away before they went to the venue.

He was leaning against the shadier side of the bus looking at his phone, but as the Uber drew closer, he looked up and smiled, waving and walking over to help Calum with his bag.

"Hey man, long time no see," he grinned as he took what was clearly Calum's camera kit.

Calum let out a half laugh as he followed Michael toward one of the buses, "good to see you again, should be a good couple of months,"

"Tour's usually pretty good; think you'll fit in well," Michael reassured as they drew closer to the bus, "this one has you, me and Ash's band, you'll meet them tonight, in it and the one up front has Ash, Sierra, Luke and the pianist, Gabby," he explained as he knocked on the door and a driver appeared letting them on.

"Craig, this is Calum; he's the new photographer," he explained, "he'll be with us," he added for clarification.

"Nice to meet you," he said gruffly, clearly feeling put out by having to let them onto the bus so early in the evening. "you got any questions or problems, you go to Michael," he told him before turning and climbing back into the driver's seat where it seemed he'd been reading a magazine.

Michael didn't add anything and instead lead Calum further into the bus, it was by far the most luxurious tour bus he'd ever been on, and it wasn't even the talents bus. He let his eyes rake over the dining area as they walked through, seeing there was a small area to sit and eat, and if there were as many people on here as he thought there would be, there wasn't much space to hang out.

After the dining area was the 'bedroom' which was two bunk beds on one side, and another bunk bed and a couch on the other side, then Michael pointed to a door at the back.

"Toilet," was all he offered in explanation, then turned around and pointed to the bottom bunk that faced the couch, "that's you; I'm above you, and you'll see where everyone else belongs tonight. We spend most nights here, but on occasion, we get a hotel night. You know for bad weather or if we've got a break day," as he explained all this Calum slid his duffle onto his new bed and then drew the curtain closed, nodding at Michael's explanation.

They chatted about nothing in particular as they made their way to the venue, and once they were inside, Michael said he had to go, he had work to do, but Calum was free to make his way wherever he needed to, just to make sure he had his lanyard nice and clear.

So that's what Calum did, taking his kit with him as he did his laps around the stage, trying to figure out where it was worth being for the night. There was only so much of that to be done, though and eventually, he decided that surely there was somewhere backstage with a water cooler he could hang around for a little while.

It was while he was feigning interest in his little paper cup that a voice came from behind him.

"Hi," a pause as Calum turned to face the person talking, "you're Calum, right? I'm Ashton- uh Ashton Irwin," he told him, smiling politely.

Calum felt panic ignite in his brain and was sure his eyes looked like dinner plates. He tried his best to hide his shock, "Oh, hi yeah, I'm Calum; it's nice to finally meet you," he said quickly, smiling back and offering his hand.

Ashton took it, giving it three shakes; Calum counted them, "I wanted to come and find you; I was disappointed I didn't get to say thank you for your work in Mexico; it was great; I really loved the shots, you're very talented,"

"I- Uh, thank you, you're very talented as well; I have to admit I didn't know that much about your music until that show; it was a great show; I'm excited for tonight," he fought the urge to look at his paper cup.

The younger man smiled graciously, "you're too kind; I hope you enjoy it; I'm sure the photos will be stunning,"

Calum's heart was hammering against his chest; he was nice, well, he seemed nice, maybe he was really awful. And he thought Calum was talented, which was objectively true, but it was nice to hear anyway.

He was overthinking this.

"I'm glad it worked out; your shows are a lot different from what I normally photograph, so I was a bit nervous," he confessed, desperately wanting to prolong the conversation even though he had no idea what would tumble from his lips next.

That seemed to peak Ashton's interest, "really? Who do you usually photograph?" he poured himself a glass from the water cooler as he waited for Calum's response.

"Oh uh, I don't know if you know them, but I've toured with Skegss every time they've come to the US, and I help out a lot at a couple of the smaller venues, and the Greek, I end up at the Greek a bit," he felt the words coming out almost against his will as he felt the intense urge to defend his validity as a photographer.

"That's so cool; I played The Greek a few years ago; it was really nice, like being outdoors. I haven't heard of Skegss, though; I'll have to look them up," he smiled warmly, and Calum caught himself smiling back far too earnestly. "I was a little worried at first about having you join the crew; we normally try to keep mostly women on the crew, just to try and uh-" he shifted uncomfortably, and Calum was just about to say he didn't need to explain when Ashton continued. "I just want this to be a safe space not just for us, but for them out there," he pointed, and Calum knew to ignore the walls and see he was pointing to the standing area in front of the stage.

"Oh, yeah, of course, I never thought of it like that- I mean, yeah. Nothing like that- ever will happen," Calum told him quickly, his face clearly showing his panic.

Ashton's face quickly mirrored him, "I didn't mean to make it sound like I was accusing you! It's just- I- we were getting on well. I was trying to say you seem like you'll fit in well," he explained.


"Ashton, phone interview in five minutes!" came Sierra's voice from somewhere behind Ashton.

"That's me," he smiled uncomfortably, "I really am sorry, I'll uh talk to you later, have a good night," he was still smiling softly as he turned to follow Sierra's voice.

"Break a leg," Calum said, but it was just a bit too quiet, and he doubted Ashton had heard it.

So they finally met! I hope you enjoyed it, and sorry it's taken me a few weeks, but I've been working on something else that boomerluke specifically requested, I think y'all will enjoy it when I get around to sharing it :) 

- Also hope my username change didn't confuse anyone too much!

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