Part I

323 11 11

[21st of May - Guadalajara]

It wasn't that the flight from LA to Guadalajara had been long, it was that the entire flight Calum had been buzzing with nerves. He'd nursed his camera bag on his lap the entire time, a small nagging thought in his mind that today would be the one time that it somehow got damaged by another passenger. From the moment KayKay had called him and offered to pay for him to fill in for her he'd been ready for it to fall through. His brain supplied plenty of hypotheticals, all the way from getting injured, to Blink-182 cancelling on KayKay and her wanting to come back for this show. But now it was the day of and none of that had happened so, he's started catastrophising in new ways, like his camera breaking or the plane being delayed.

And Calum needed this, his portfolio needed the boost. He had plenty of experience doing local shows and small tours with bands but having a pop/rockstar in his portfolio would be a real step in the right direction. Particularly if any of his photos got picked up for articles. The management team hadn't seemed all that interested in what Calum could do and more in that he could be in Guadalajara at least two hours before the show. That he could do, so he promised KayKay he would do his best, and not make her regret recommending him.

As the plane taxied toward the airport terminal his leg began to bounce, his grip tightening on his camera bag. He needed something to settle his nerves, he flicked his phone off aeroplane mode and checked the time for what felt like the millionth time. They had actually made up time in the air and he was going to more than early enough, but the anxious feeling didn't leave his chest.

New Message

We just landed, they're going to pick me up right?


That's good! And yeah, it'll be Luke most likely, he's assistant to the tour manager

New Message

Thanks! I'll let you know how it goes later x

Once they were able to, he forwarded off the plane behind the rest of the passengers, camera bag across his body and duffle on his shoulder as he tried to look the least guilty he could. International airports made him feel like a criminal, he wasn't... well taking drugs wasn't illegal and he never possessed them for long... So he wasn't a criminal often. When they were on the otherside of customs the tension in his chest eased a little as he continued following other passengers to what must have been the baggage carousels, he had placed a lot of faith in them when in reality they might have been flying here for the first time themselves. \

Everything was unfamiliar and disorientating and Calum thought to himself that this Luke guy better have a sign with his name on it because if not they were royally fucked. In his nervousness, he nearly tripped over a woman who was bent down tying her shoelace, stumbling and apologising as he turned and corrected himself, cheeks flushing as he hiked his duffle bag further up his shoulder. Then he saw the A4 piece of paper with 'Hood' in thick black letters and realised the person holding it was already watching him, and he felt his cheeks heat further.

He shuffled his way over, giving a timid little wave as he approached, "Eh Luke?" he asked.

The man grinned back at him, "Yeah that's me, did KayKay mention me?" he asked, holding out a hand to take Calum's duffle. Calum thoughtlessly handed over the bag as he took in the other, golden hair, which he thought might have been bleached that way, and some of the bluest eyes he'd seen in god knows how long. He was also tall, taller than Calum, not that he was a giant but most guys were about his height. If there were going to be one word Calum would use to describe him it would be pretty, maybe if he were less nervous he might have even entertained the idea of trying to sus out if Luke liked men.

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