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[14th of June - Concord]

He'd had a few days to settle in, and while it was a little different every day, he was starting to get an idea for the routine. There were also his new 'roommates', for lack of a better term, who were nice enough; there was Lara, Lindsay, Niamh and Dove. Lara was the guitarist, Lindsay the Bassist, Niamh, the Drummer, and Dove Ashton's backing vocalist. 

Lindsay and Niamh were dating, which made Calum wonder about what the dynamic would be like once they got more comfortable around him. It was also the most women he'd ever worked with; when Ashton said that they usually worked with women, he hadn't really given much thought to his band. He'd, of course, photographed them all that first night, but he'd been paying much more attention to Ashton. 

Ashton was another thing he didn't have quite figured out. Part of him had thought the devote Catholic school boy act might have been just that, an act. However, all evidence pointed to otherwise; the rest of the tour team were polite, friendly, and by far the most by the book tour team he'd ever worked with. They were what young girls wrote about in fanfiction, no drugs, barely any alcohol, and Calum was pretty sure no one was getting laid. He wasn't, that was for sure. Even now, while they were in California, he couldn't fathom pulling out a joint in front of any of these people. There was also only one other person who smoked even cigarettes; yeah, they were that by the book.

But Calum went and found Michael anyway, his only companion while he indulged. 

"So what do you think of the gig so far? Not wishing you were back doing Zine spreads instead of selling out?" Michael asked before taking a long drag from his cigarette. 

Calum chuckled easily, "no, I feel like I'm settling in, and I like the vibe, Ashton- well, everyone puts on a good show," 

"Yeah, they're all a bit too talented," Michael agreed. 

Calum leant back against the pile of milk crates, eyes flicking to the sky, the forecast hadn't said anything about rain, but the clouds above were saying otherwise. He made a note to smoke faster. As he tilted his head back down, the heavy metal door opened, and Luke's head appeared. 

"Have either of your seen Niamh?"

They both shook their heads; he sighed, muttering a 'thanks', and disappeared back inside the venue. 

"So what's his story?" Calum asked, bringing his cigarette to his lips again. He had told himself that he wasn't going to bother asking about Luke, but the man walked around in his tight little bell bottom jeans and fitted t-shirts; what was a man supposed to do? Keep his eyes to himself? 

"What do you mean?" Michael laughed. 

Calum considered forgoing the question he'd meant to ask for something that made him seem less horny but as quick as he'd considered it, he abandoned the idea and said,  "like, is he into guys? He's so fine," he took another long drag as he waited for Michael's response. 

He laughed a deep, hearty laugh. 

"What?" Calum asked, being unable to help the smile that formed on his face. 

"You just called Sierra, our boss' husband, 'so fine'," he grinned. 

Calum laughed as hard as Michael had, "Okay, well, after we leave here, we'll never mention it again. But, he's really good-looking; shame about the wife, though," and he meant it, didn't matter how gorgeous someone was a cheater, was a cheater, and that shits not hot. 

Michael chuckled, "Yeah, alright, I'll give it to you; he's hot, but what about me? Were you planning on asking Luke what my story was?" he asked it in a way that made Calum know he was joking or at least wanting to sound like he was.

Calum grinned but gestured with his eyes to Michael's left hand, "all over it, gorgeous," he told him with a wink. He'd noticed Michael's wedding ring the second time they'd met, and it had prompted him to check Luke's finger, but there was no ring and no tan line either. He wasn't sure what that was about, but it was convenient when people just wore the damn bands, saved needless flirting. 

Michael actually blushed an enticing colour of pink, "you're a tease," he said, rolling his eyes and trying to play off the blush he must have been able to feel. He brought his cigarette to his soft pink lips again, an excuse to not have to talk, and not have to make eye contact with Calum. He wondered what Michael's partner looked like, he imagined a man, but he was biased; he also imagined Michael was a top because he wanted so desperately for someone to bend him over the breakfast table on the bus. 

Calum shook his head, stubbing out his cigarette, "if I'd lied and said you weren't my type, it'd have hurt your feelings," he reasoned, but there was a smirk fighting to take his lips. Things were definitely very PG around here if Calum could make a grown man blush with a little corny flirting. 

That being said, if Michael told him his marriage was open? Then Calum would take him at his word. He mentally snapped at himself, not the time or place. But he had caught up with an ex, twice removed, right before he left for tour, and at this rate, that was going to have to tide him over for the next six weeks because the only two people he ever spoke to were both married. 

"Alright, I have photos to edit, but you get a divorce, you come find me," this time, he made it clear he was joking as he made his way back inside. 

Sorry to the few people reading that there's been a bit of a wait; been doing the whole job interview thing. But I have written chapter 5, not 4... yet, but things are going to pick up, I promise. I don't know I feel like this is all boring, but it's going to take time to get these characters moving in the right direction, please bare with me. 

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