Chapter 7

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3rd person's pov

"My name is... Ukai Kenshin"

Hinata stood shocked when the man removed his mask. Ukai was his mother's last name and her father had once adopted a boy the picked up from the street.

"U-uncle K-kenshin?",Hinata said his voice breaking a little. He had thought this uncle died, so how was he, alive and well.

"No one calls me that... except Hina-chan and Natsu-Chan, could it be... Hinata?", he called out softly.

In contrast to who he was 10 minutes ago, he was full on sobbing and hugging his uncle, whom he had last seen at 7 years old.

Hinata wiped his tears and introduced his husbands to his uncle, they then had ginger infused herbal tea.

(complimentary scene change)
Some unknown location

"Ughh that fool has failed, how else am I supposed to get my revenge and the emporers love if that b is still alive!!! " she yelled her eyes filled with resentment and obsession.

The servent girls cowered at her actions, she thew a vase at one time of them and in the past she had beaten to death because she looked prettier thank her.

She had seduced many powerful men and had them support her financially too. These men were in their early 30s and have at least 4-5 concubines and up to 3 children.

She had reincarnated from the abused orphaned child of a minister to the spoiled miss of a very respected family as the minister of education's 2nd daughter.

Back to the palace

Hinata felt a bad premonition, he was so worried he prayed to the Buddha all night, the emporers were worried about his health as it was starting to get cold out.

"Come on Hinata, please you'll get sick"

"Dear, please, at least wear layers"

But he paid them no mind, he sat lotus position with the insense burning in front of the tablet with inscriptions.

When it was around midnight, he felt the insense sticks were blown out, for him it was a bad omen. Something his family would have to face.

He went to go check on the children, he then went to his husbands' room, in each room his husbands were restless, tossing and turning, or mumbling something in there sleep.

He sung to the or gave them head massages. But this particular husband of his was up reading a book about military strategies, while also pacing back and forth.

"Why are you still up, your highness?", he asked a bit curious. "How many time have I told you not to call me that", he raised his brow, getting closer to Hinata.

Hinata's back hit the wall, Emperor Akaashi had locked the door without him noticing. With his back against the wall and a very hot and bothered emperor.

"Your-Akaashi,its too early to have more children right now. I think we should stop". He said while they emperor was slowly undoing this robe, kissing his neck, leaving red marks wherever he kissed.

That night Hinata stayed up all night, releasing a beautiful sound here and there. Their activity was sure to leave his back sore.


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