Chapter 2

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Hinata's pov

It's been atleast 2 weeks since I last received those shocking news and I full on balled my eyes out.

2 weeks ago

Yuna, Kai and I walked to the physician's office and I was feeling a little better. We waited for our turn and the physician called us in.

"What seems to be the problem?" the physician asked with a smile. "Well I seem to be throwing up a lot and came to check if I was alright." I said calmly.

"If I may,can I your pulse?" "Sure, you may." I said. After what felt like centuries he finally spoke, his face astonished. "I feel a happy pulse or in other words, you are with a child."

"What!!!" all three of us exclaimed. I'm shook. Me, myself and I? "Wait, how far along am I?" I asked."2 months and 2 weeks pregnant" he replied.

We left the physician's office and I balled, choking on screams and sobs, asking if I was a bad child, why me? It drove me to insanity. To the point where when I got home I was exhausted and weakly went to sleep.


I learnt to live and look forward to my baby. Stroking my belly unconsciously for the passing days. Imagining their first day on earth, their first word and their first step.

I thought about informing their father of the pregnancy, but I'm afraid they will reject us. So I'll quietly live on. After all this new life forming inside of me needs me.

I'm continuing with my work until I'm 7 months. I'll take my leave at work then. I'm so excited about this. My colleagues say that I'm glowing. I blushed at such comments.

3rd person's pov
In the royal palace

A man dressed in all black kneeled at the foot of the desk of the emperors, hands clasped together. He spoke out.

"Masters, there seems to be a figure lurking in and out of the imperial palace. We have tailed them to the old delapidated court yard, Sakura court yards and it's seems to be a male." the man in black said, giving a report to his masters.

"I see, investigate why he leaves and where he goes to." emperor Akaashi said and as he about to dismiss the shadow guard, emperor Iwaizumi spoke up.

"What's his name?". "Concubine Hinata Shoyo, master." "You are dismissed Yuji." said suna lazily.

A few weeks later

"Masters I have come to report." a man said kneeling. "Speak." a voice said not loud nor soft.

"Concubine Hinata has been living alone in Sakura court for 3 months, he has no maids to tend to him and often goes out to work at the local restaurant. He has been receiving tonics from the old physician, and they are said to increase the vitality of child growing in the womb. This servant have out that the imperial concubine is 3 months with a child." the shadow guard said, bowing his head.


" How brave of this concubine! Make arrangements, we're going to Sakura court." one of the emperors said displeased." Yes, your majesty."

And so the journey began as the emperors and their attendants made their way to Sakura court. When they got there, an eunuch announced the emperors arrival.

The only person there tensed, he had not met any of his husbands and with the little one in his belly made him slightly paranoid.

He bowed down and recited the greeting he learnt but as he was about to speak a voice cut through the air. "Have you not learned anything, concubine?"

"Forgive me for my impudence,but may I ask why their majesties are in this lowly ones court?" he asked coldly. "Have you even thought of us, that you would keep us away from our child." one of the emperors said

"I'm sorry your majesties but as far as you all are concerned, you abandoned me to this place." Hinata said venom dripping with every word of his.


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