Chapter 0

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Hinata's pov...

As I am walking through the dark late night streets of Miyagi, I hear screams in the alley.

Being the selfless person I am, I go look to see what's happening. Knowing of the danger that may lie ahead.

Arriving at the alley, I see men wearing black and one of them holding what looks to be a young woman, with a knife at her neck.

My mind was blank and all I remember was kicking the men and running with the woman. Once far enough, we stop to take a break to breathe but then I notice lights.

A truck sped towards us and I pushed the woman away. I was met with unbearable pain and felt liquid dripping down my face and was met a pool of my own blood underneath me.

My last thought was if that woman got away in time or not.

Black spots clouded my vision.

"I'm sorry..." Natsu.

No one's pov

The boy layed still, in the middle of the road. The light of the full moon illuminating his body as a woman kneeled beside him.

"I'm sorry dear! Please don't go! It's my fault, please! Auntie is sorry! One last time, please open your eyes!" The woman begged and pleaded.

With orange hair and black eyes, she mourned for her nephew. She begged her God to bring him back.

She called up her brother, Hinata Haru, to inform him that his son sacrificed his life for her. She kept insisting that she was at fault and begged for forgiveness.

The Hinata family were heartbroken at the news of their only son's early demise. The family was depressed and the the aunt who believed it was her fault, couldn't bear to live with the guilt she felt and committed suicide.

Years later the family learnt to cope and with the help of counciling recovered.


You can never repair the heart of parents who lost not only their child but their helper, their sun, star and moon.

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