Chapter 26

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"I want you to free me by telling me everything not suffocating me with not telling me about the past I no longer remember."



Scarlett walked in the room holding the journal tightly close to her heart as if she's trying to protect it.

To be honest she'd protect this journal at any cost no matter what she was to read further because she knew it was meant for her to read.

Just as she entered the room she noticed Zephyr sleeping on the bed she slowly sat down on the bed staring at him as he slept peacefully.

She wondered how he managed to look so peaceful while sleeping as she sat beside him going insane.

She slowly reached out to brush the hair off his forehead and kissed his forehead slowly making sure not to wake him up.

"You were my husband." She whispered those words out. "You are my husband."

Scarlett was having a hard time believing what she thought was fake, an act all this long was once the truth.

She just wanted to hear him say it now, accept it and keep repeating it till she's convinced.

That's when she thought about reading further into the journal to know more about Scarlett,



I just keep complaining on how i don't write much because i am lazy almost in every single page god i know i am lazy even Zeph knows but well he's fine with it so why should I keep complaining right?

I made dinner for him last night and he loved it even though know i am very much aware that it tasted no good but he ate everything without letting me know how the food i made is full of salt and how i forgot to add other spices, it was tasteless

I love him, I love my husband very much.

Scarlett scoffed on how she kept ending Almost every page with saying how much she loved Zephyr Leroy Zion,
Her husband.

She was still not fine with the idea of digesting the fact that she has some past with him at this point she'd be happier if it would be a past life because all she wanted was to jump off a building right now.

The journal was confusing her.

A few days pages after that were all about the love she had for him and how he had gifted her a necklace.


Rose that's what he calls me and it always manages to send shivers down my spine I don't know if this is obsession but I think I can do anything for him but there's something odd about him now,

He has stopped coming home early he either comes home late or just stays out I don't want to think that he has gotten tired of me so I keep convincing myself that he's busy with all the stuff going on and the family problems he's been facing.

I love him.

Now she knew she was getting somewhere, so he had started to ignore her first now that she thought about it does sound really odd.

Scarlett decided to close the journal and hide it under her pillow before laying down and closing her eyes waiting for the darkness to consume her.

She was blank,
no thoughts nothing she didn't even realize when she fell into a deep slumber or more like a welcome from her past, A dream.

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