Chapter 14

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"Marriage is not a joke it's about having a spiritual connection"
      ~ Scarlett renardi


I want you to Marry me."
Those words,
those words kept Scarlett frozen to her spot she couldn't form word's to reply,
her piercing blue eyes staring right into his forest green ones.

"I well..marriage isn't a joke it's about having a spiritual connection y-you can't ask me to ma-marry you all out of nowhere."  Scarlett replied. "No."

After replying to his word's she finally shook her head and turned to rush inside the mansion,
tears pricking her eyes as she kept shooking her head and walking out the kitchen pushing her way through the throng of people.

She glanced around at the mass of people dressed in expensive clothings
Scarlett scrunched her nose because the smell of their perfumes,
gosh too much.

She pushed her way through all of the people rushing upstairs to get into one of the room's she found closest to her.
She walked inside the room and sat on the bed.
It was his bedroom she laid down and closed her eyes burying herself in her thoughts until the peace of darkness consumed her.


Zephyr walked back inside looking furious as fuck He walked straight to where Zhavo was standing holding a glass of scotch Zephyr snatched it away from him and gulped the brown liquid in one go.

"Woah Woah! you okay?" Zhavo asked with a smirk.

"Shut up!"

"Well remember I told you something about finding someone, just look at the bunch of Ladies over there and choose they seem interested."

Zhavo insisted signalling his head towards the Ladies standing in one of the corners and drinking.

"I already offered someone an agreement." Zephyr replied ignoring the Ladies smiling and winking at him.

Zhavo looked surprised he didn't think his friend would really find one and offer her the deal.

"Who?" Zhavo questioned raising his eyesbrows and taking a sip of his drink.

"Scarlett." Zephyr replied.

Zhavo spat his drink out hearing him say Scarlett name and chuckled.

"Are you kidding me The maid." Zhavo shook his head "I thought you hated her."

"That's the only reason why I want her to accept this deal." Zephyr replied.

"Wait you want!? you mean she didn't accept?"
Zhavo asked setting his drink aside and laughing his ass off.

"She will accept Zhavo!"

"How are you so sure?"
Zhavo questioned.

"I just know Zhavo she will, she has to." Zephyr spoke keeping his expressions neutral.

"Okay i understand but still how?" Zhavo again questioned.

Zephyr met his gaze giving him the are you dumb look but right now he had better things to take care of.

"Have you talked to Mr Rossi I'm sure he needs to be spoken to."
Zephyr questioned his friend changing the topic.

"No I was waiting for you to come so we can go speak to him together." Zhavo replied.

"Okay let's go."

Zephyr walked forward as his friend followed behind him he walked to where Mr Rossi stood.

Mr Rossi was a man in his late forties but the man looked quite young for his age, he aged like a fine wine to be exact.
Zephyr had Business to speak with the man.

"Mr Rossi?" Zhavo called out.

Mr Rossi turned around and his gaze met Zephyr's.

"Oh Zion?" He smirked putting his drink aside. "Such a long time it has been..No?"


Well what did you expect Zephyr hated this man the only reason he was bearing with him was because he was the stepbrother to his mother and his mother actually liked this Man he always wondered why his mother respected him so much

"Don't be rude son."

Zephyr raised his eyebrows. Son?

"Am I being rude Mr Rossi?"

The man laughed throwing his head back and Zephyr's blood started to boil he was just a second away from smashing the man's head on the table,
The hatred he had for him was exorbitant.

"Oh I apologize,
what did you want to speak about son? "
Mr Rossi asked taking a sip of his drink.

"I'm not your son and the reason why I called you here is because I want you to hand me my mother's belongings." Zephyr spoke as his gaze hardened.

"Oh the stuff your mother had?
it's still in my house but why should I give it to you her things are the only memories left of her."
Mr Rossi said swallowing down a whole glass of bitter liquor.

Only ones Left of her? Like he cared,  Zephyr always had a that feeling this man didn't like his mother but his mother had a liking to this man but right now the only thing that kept Zephyr drowned in questions was why wouldn't he hand his mother's stuff to him.

"I see, Mr Rossi but you Heard Zephyr he wants his mother's belongings which means you will have to hand it to him." Zhavo explained.

"Are you his lawyer?" Mr Rossi questioned.

"What? No but-"

"So I would like for this matter to stay between me and my nephew." Mr Rossi interjected.

"Nephew Who!? I am no nephew to you! this is going to be the last time I'm speaking about this matter with you Rossi." Zephyr replied with a frown.

"And I already said No." Mr Rossi smiled.

"Okay! If it's a No then so be it!
Go home and wait until your sweet Paradise is burnt down into ashes." Zephyr said moving closer and pointing a finger at him. "Including you and your beautiful family."

With a furious nod Zephyr turned around and left without paying a glance to the man who stood shocked from his words.

Zephyr rushed upstairs and walked inside his room slamming the door shut he was about to break a photo frame that he took a hold of but stopped when he noticed someone curled up on his bed
He immediately knew who it was  because other then Scarlett no one entered his room or even touch his bed.

He walked to the other side of the bed now he was face to face with Scarlett.

She was sleeping so peacefully and he didn't want to wake her up and that was what had him bothered,
why did he never say anything to her he knew if it would be anyone else he would have killed her already but she seemed like an exception.

After watching her sleep for a few minutes he walked to the other side of his room and sat down on his couch he pulled his necklace out and held it in his hands,
A necklace which he kept close to his heart

It was a small crystal pendulum the crystal was caged in between the spiral of silver.

"I will find you and you'll be back."


I hope y'all are finding this Story interesting enough to read it also what do you think about the mystery of the necklace?

Woah wait should I write a story named mystery of the necklace? Hhh ik the updates are little slow but I'll try to find as much as time I can to write. I love y'all.

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