Chapter 21

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"The Peace before chaos."


A few days had past and Scarlett was getting used to the way she was living infact she was liking it.
No one spoke to her rudely anymore, Not even Clara.

Scarlett smiled at Clara as she spoke to her.
Scarlett was happy that Clara had finally stopped pushing Scarlett away and that she was being all welcoming and friendly with her.
It all felt new and good but above all it was too surreal.

"Do you know I used to hate it when Zephyr made fun of the way I spoke." Clara laughed. "My accent was  different."

"Where are you actually from?" Scarlett questioned.

"I am Italian but I was born in Australia."

Scarlett nodded her head and laughed.

"That's why your accent is different."

"Yeah." Clara grinned.

Scarlett laughed along with Clara.
They were getting closer day by day, she was being able to see the true Clara.
Scarlett used to think of Clara as a very secretive and mysterious woman but now that she was getting to know her she was more of an open book.

Clara was beautiful inside out but only those close to her would see how unhappy she was.
She held so much pain behind her smile she missed her husband that was for sure.

Scarlett wanted to know more about what happened to Clara's life partner but she didn't want Clara to feel sad all over again.
One thing she knew was that he was Zephyr's brother,

Now that they were seated in Zephyr's room which now Scarlett shared with him well of course because he wanted her to move in into his room.
Clara lowerd herself down on his favorite chair looking out the window reminding her of how he stares out the window almost every single night.

"He loves to stare out the window too." Scarlett spoke making Clara turn her head towards her. "I don't think he sleeps at all."

Clara smiled before getting up and walking towards Scarlett to sit beside her.

"To be honest you barely know anything about him Scarlett." Clara stated.

When Clara said those words Scarlett somehow felt hurt but she knew that Clara was right she barely knew anything about him.

"What do you mean?" Scarlett frowned.

She was feeling bad about how she knew nothing about him ofcourse she wanted to know him but he wasn't letting her break through those cages he had prisoned himself into.

"He doesn't sleep because his nightmares never left him." Clara frowned. "He has lost alot Scarlett,
he never lived a happy childhood. I know him like no one does I can tell you everything about him right here and now but I don't think I should, he needs to tell you all he has lived."

"But he won't." Scarlett mumbled.

Scarlett wanted him to sit with her and speak, spend hours telling her stories from his past but she knew that's what he wouldn't do because he had his walls build up so high.

"Maybe one day when you're willing to listen he'll speak and i know he'll speak for sure." Clara held Scarlett's hand in her's.

"Let go of everything you hold if you want him to be yours, be honest with him because he hates liars Scarlett."

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