Chapter 65

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It has been five months since All for One was basically defeated by Hina.

After Camino, a lot of things happened. First, All Might retired. When you were there, he looked a little different, but didn't pay too much attention since you were worried about Hina. However, after you left, news, social media, everything showed All Might in his true form. It was like seeing a completely different person. Shorter, thinner—a lot thinner—even his hair was not the same.

The battle he had with All for One was intense and his body couldn't handle it, you thought he was going to die there but thankfully he made it. That battle cost him his powers and so Japan lost its symbol of peace.

Second, even though Katsuki told you he is okay, he didn't act the part. You tried talking to him but he always pushed you away one way or another. Either telling you he is okay or not even responding to you and walking away. You barely saw him eat or drink anything and he has not trained in a while.

The next day after the fight, you and the others who were there took Katsuki to the police and you have never seen him this quiet. Every time you went over his house his mother would apologize and say he's not in a good mood, he can't talk, he's busy, to the point where you started thinking he wanted to break up, that he didn't want you anymore, that you did something wrong.

It pained you that he wouldn't talk to you about it. He's going through something and he won't let you help him, he won't open up to you, it's eating you alive the fact that you can't do anything for another important person in your life. It's so fucking frustrating.

"Honey?" Your mother knocks on the door. You gave up trying and simply waited for him to talk to you when he felt comfortable doing so. That doesn't mean that it doesn't affect you, though. There's no school for a few days so you're mostly locked to your room. "Dinner is ready. I made your favorite, it came out really good!"

"Thanks mom," They have both been trying to talk to you and make you feel better somehow but it's pointless. You feel a little bad for them, they're your parents and they are worried about you but... "I'm not hungry."

You don't have the mentality to do anything. Just lay on your bed and not move a muscle.

"Y/n, you can't stay in your room all day," You father says. "Just talk to us, we know a lot has happened, don't keep everything inside."

You don't answer them. In fact, you didn't hear what he said, your mind drifted into your thoughts again. All you can think of is Katsuki, Hina, everything that happened in Kamino and back from the start again.

Another knock on the door. You were about to tell them to leave but this time it was someone else on the other side.

"Angel? Open the door." Kei. Right, your phone has been dead because you never bothered to charge it. You haven't talked to your brother since then. "Right, let me rephrase. Open the damn door or I'm going to break it 'cause I know damn well Hina is not the only reason you are like this, it's that bast-"

"Why must you blame Katsuki for everything?" You open the door with your feather. You're not mad at him, you just know he won't leave until he comes in and talks to you. He will even sleep right outside the door.

"See? You got pissed and opened the door. Now," He's smiling? He wasn't angry just now? He really knows how to hide emotions or pretend. Or maybe he knows how to get to you because he's right, it annoyed you that he was about to trash talk Katsuki. He closes the door behind him, motioning to your parents to give you two a moment. "Tell me what's wrong."

"I don't know." He moves your legs further back and sits next to you, close enough to reach for your face and tug the hair on your face behind your ear.

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