Chapter 55

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"Good morning ladies and gentleman," You love your teacher but it's too early for this.

Why are you even awake at 5:30 in the morning? Well, awake is an exaggeration since you're resting your chin on Katsuki's shoulder, trying not to fall asleep.

"Today we will begin training camp to increase your strength in earnest. The goal of this training camp is to increase everyone's strength and with that, for everyone to obtain their provisional licenses. It is to prepare you all to face hostilities that are becoming more real by the minute."

You barely heard any of his words; Katsuki kept twitching his shoulder to wake you up every time he felt you were about to sleep.

"Bakugo," You straighten up the second you hear his name, not like Aizawa hadn't already noticed your sleepy ass but you should at least try to hide it. He throws a ball at Katsuki, catching it with ease. "Try throwing that."

"This is from the fitness test..." His memory keeps surprising you, you're not gonna lie.

"Your previous record, from right after you started school, was 705.2 meters. Let's see how much you've improved."

So, you're checking your progress before starting the actual training. A lot has happened the last three months, it's only fair to have gotten stronger.

Katsuki explodes the ball, yelling—it's so early for this—a "go to hell." What shocked all of you was his record, because you were sure it'd go at least close to a kilometer but, "709.6 meters." It was so low and Katsuki surely didn't like it, judging from his expression.

"It's been about three months since you started high school. Through various experiences, you all have definitely improved. But that improvement has mainly been at the mental and technical levels, with some increase in stamina."

Well, now you're fully awake. You have a really bad feeling about this training.

"As you can see, your quirks themselves have not improved that much. That's why we will work improving your quirks starting today." He grins. Evilly. Why? What kind of training are they planning to take you through? "It'll be so hard you'll feel like dying," Oh. "But try not to actually die."

"Okay, first of all!" You raise your hand to have his attention. "Where have you brought us to? Second, did our parents sign something about this, what's the story here? And third, what!?"

"Follow me." Is all he says before turning his back to you, walking away, completely ignoring you.

He guided you to the training ground and, boy, he was not joking about the dying part. Just listening to what you have to do for hours straight is taking a toll on your body.

Katsuki and Todoroki are the only ones who possess a fire type quirk but since Todoroki's training was to alternate between fire and ice to make the temperature of the bathwater uniform, he Katsuki was the one working with you for your quirk.

He has to plunge both of his hands into boiling water, expanding his sweat glands, creating explosions repeatedly to increase the scale of his attacks. You, on the other hand, had to keep every single feather into steel form in order to strengthen your shield as Katsuki directs the immense blasts to you.

Something he hesitated, at first. Which is understandable because why would he want to risk hurting you? Nonetheless, he did as instructed while asking every time if you're okay and taking the same answer every time.

"Yes, Katsuki," You say, panting. It's late in the morning and you're already past your limit. Which means, you're barely keeping your quirk active and your whole body is aching from the weight of steel on your back. "I'm fine. Keep going."

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