Chapter 31

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Katsuki believes you can win against Todoroki. Even though it's a little difficult for you to believe him after seeing his power in action, he knows what he says. Damn, it almost feels like he is putting pressure on you and really isn't.

He only wanted to encourage you because he saw your face while walking down the hall before coming out for your match. You looked too deep in your thoughts for him not to notice and say nothing about it. If you were going to fight with low self-esteem, might as well withdraw.

"Hey, Bakugo," Kaminari said behind Katsuki, who had moved to the front to watch you carefully. "Why did you go down there?"

"Shut up, Sparky." He mumbled loud enough for him to hear.

"Heh? Are you that interested in Y/n?" He said, with a provoking smirk.

"Watch it," Katsuki looked at him with gritted teeth. "Just because I can't use my quirk here, doesn't guarantee your safety."

"You were asking for it, man." Kirishima said.

"You need to learn to keep your mouth shut." Sero next to him said.

"I was just joking." Kamirani said, pouting a little.

"Not funny." Katsuki said, turning around again.

Katsuki wants to observe what kind of strategy you'll go with. He already had one in mind for you but he didn't say anything. You have to learn to strategize on your own; besides, it's him you're fighting if you win, so why should he help you when right now you are basically the enemy?

Not that he doesn't want to help you, but the moment Present Mic started the match he already knew you had a plan in mind beforehand.

Plus, he noticed something icy-hot surely didn't.

"Give me the best you got, Todoroki." You said with your swords on your hands waiting to slash the ice coming from the ground and heading your way.

As you expected, the ice didn't break with your feathers in their normal form and it pushed you back. Steel it is. You flew up to buy some time for the steel and got back down to attack him but instead you met a wall of ice in front of him that successfully smashed to pieces.

'I only need him to keep his attention on me,' you thought. 'This can work. I can win.'

He has a limit too. He can't keep raising walls of ice all day without his body being affected. He'll freeze.

But you also have a limit as well. Those swords ain't light as a feather. Ironic, right?

You can't keep shattering his ice again and again. You have to push him out of bounds but with that ice on his back, it won't be easy.

So, "I said all you got!" You have to make him move. "Put your defense down and attack me!"

With that, the ice caught you off guard and pushed you back. You flew up last minute before your back hit the wall of the arena.

What needs to go away first, is that shield on his back so you went behind him as fast as you could and broke it, only to get caught by your feet.

"Fuck!" You shoved your swords into the ice to get out of it and when you did you grabbed him by his uniform and tried throwing him out of bounds. Of course, you didn't 'cause of the fucking ice walls he makes. They're really annoying you at this point. "You're starting to get on my nerves, you know?"

"Then let's end this quickly." He took a step and when you thought he was about to do the same trick, the ice splitted in two, surrounding and trapping you inside an igloo-shaped cell along with him. "You can't escape by flying now, can you?"

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