Chapter 13

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Just a disclaimer that the beginning of this chapter is the same conversation Bakugo and Y/n had at the end of the previous chapter but from Bakugo's pov. In case you don't want to read it, you can skip to the *** but know that a few things are added.


His right hand...

Deku predicted his moves and on top of that, he found a way to win the exercise. Bakugo's breaths were starting to become heavy. His whole body trembled.

He lost. Bakugo lost... He never loses.

How...? How did this happen?

And the worst part is that he lost to Deku...He is powerless. Well...was. He managed to come up with a strategy to win and he did. So, that means...Even if they fought all out... Deku would completely beat-

"Hey, get your act together, Bakugo." You said, suddenly in front of him. His shoulders grabbed by your hands.

You knew about it. You were a part of this, weren't you? You both tricked him all these years.

Deku had a quirk. He was lying from the start, wasn't he? You were lying to him, too.

"Y-You...get out of my sight." He said between his teeth.

You were pretending to protect him every time Bakugo would bully him. You were the last thing he needed in front of him right now.

You took a step forward "Wha-What? Why? Are you even oka- "

His blood was boiling. To think he... No! He doesn't care about you! You are just as bad as that damned nerd.

He's had enough of you two underestimating and looking down on him.

"GO! AWAY!" he pushed your hands away and you jumped back a little because of his yelling.


You... Why were you looking at him with those eyes? Were you pitying him now? Acting like you care?

"I can't look down on someone I look up to."

That was a lie too, huh? You were only trying to get closer to him and give information to Deku. You took advantage of the training with him.

But on top of that...You...You were scared of him. You thought he would injure you so badly that you had to use your wings as a shield from him. How stupid.

"I promise."

You promised him.

That was a lie as well!?

The promise, Deku's quirk and the fucking training were all lies!?

"You look up to me? That's what you said? I know you were lying. You think I'm below you, don't you? You wanted to train with me to learn how I fight, my weaknesses, not that I have any."

"Bakugo you were- "

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" he started walking up to you and you got back with every step "Earlier! Why did you get scared!? WHY!? You really thought I was going to fucking blast you!?"

"Are you for real? This is the reason you're mad? You had no problem blasting Izuku on the fucking face, you know!"

Not again with Deku... Why do you keep defending him? He's not that powerless now, is he? Why keep standing up for him? Why-




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