Chapter 42

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You tried so hard not to think about it. Hawks joined you after a while; Iwasaki probably told him to calm down first. After patrolling, you told him that you weren't feeling very well so you could go to your room for a while.

Obviously an excuse.

You just can't get the conversation with Iwasaki from earlier out of your head. What your brother said has been playing in your head over and over again like a broken cassette and it just won't stop.

Even now, laying on your bed, staring at the ceiling, it's the only thing you can think of as your tears roll down your cheeks.

"I didn't take all my father's punches, kicks, slaps and I don't know what else, for some random piece of trash to hurt my sister!"

That's what your biological dad was, huh? A person who abused his kids. A bad person... Now you know why Keigo wouldn't tell you anything about them. Maybe he had no intention of telling you for all you know. He wouldn't want his little sister to know how bad of a father she had in the past and you probably you've done the same for him...

You sigh, grabbing your phone, in hopes you could talk to Katsuki at least. Izuku hasn't been replying to your messages lately and you're getting worried but knowing him, he's probably just training 24/7. Ignoring the worried messages from your brother, asking if you're okay, you go ahead and text Katsuki.

You: How are things going there, your majesty?

A couple minutes pass before he answers. He's busy.

Katsuki: You'll never shut up about it, will you?

You: Of course not, it's too funny. :)

Katsuki: Whatever. I just came back from patrol. You?

Now you have two options; One, is to tell him your worries but you don't want to bother him since he's busy—plus he still doesn't know Hawks is your brother—and two, lie about everything being okay.

You: Same, I'm back in my room. Are you busy?

Option two it is.

Katsuki: Did you text me because you're bored, bird brain!?

You: Maybe...? :)

Katsuki: I hate you.

You: Do you, though? :)

Katsuki: Those emojis are cringy.

You: See? You're avoiding my question.

Katsuki: Can you get more annoying?

You: We can talk later if I'm bothering you...

Katsuki: That's not what I meant, you idiot. You're not bothering me.

You: You're just saying that so I don't feel bad.

He leaves you on read. Maybe you were annoying him...

You: I'm sorry, Katsuki. I just wanted to talk to someone. I'll let you continue your work.

The message was delivered but never read. Guess he was pissed off a little. It's only natural, he has stuff to do and you were selfishly distracting him from his work.

You put your phone down and decide that a shower might relax you a little. As you're about to enter the bathroom, though, your phone rings. And the ringtone isn't the normal one; someone's video-calling you.

You grab it to check who it is, only to be surprised it's...


"When I tell you you're not bothering me, then you're not! Got it!?"

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