Chapter 54

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The sun is nearly setting and all of you are as exhausted as you can be. It took all day to reach the camp and those earth beasts were endless. You can barely move a feather let alone walk.

"What do you mean three hours!?" Kirishima whined, laid on the ground.

"That's the time it would've taken us, sorry!" So she was trying to look better in front of sixteen year old teenagers who have just started their training to become future heroes.

You look at Katsuki and reach for the arm he's holding out of pain to massage it a little. He tries to pull away with a "I'm fine." between his teeth but you harden your grip, insisting.

Even though all of you fought those giants together, Katsuki went all out on the very first one, so his hands started hurting midway and went over his limit later. You can't heal, so the least you can do to make him feel a little better is massage his forearms.

It was a test but it hurts seeing him all exhausted and beaten up. He grabs your hand and pushes you down from your shoulder, telling you to sit down. He sits next to you and lets you continue by laying his arm on your lap. You smile at him and he rolls his eyes which makes you giggle a little.

"But honestly, I thought it would take even longer. You guys didn't have as hard a time beating my beasts as I thought you would. You guys are great, especially," She points to Katsuki, Izuku, Iida and Todoroki. "You four. Were you able to act without hesitation because of your experience?" She, quite literally, throws herself to the boys, pursing her lips in a way an adult shouldn't be doing to minors. "I'm looking forward to where you'll be in three years! I call dibs!"

Something's definitely wrong with her.

But that's the last thing bothering you because seeing her all over Katsuki is making your blood boil and you shouldn't be thinking of punching her in the face since she is a pro hero and—for the next week—your teacher.


"Huh?" She has good reflexes. One second late and your wing would've sent her flying.

"Call dibs on someone your age." You say with a straight face and go back to taking care of your boyfriend.

She has the audacity to smirk at you, cross her arms and say, "Heh? Is this one already taken?" You close your eyes, breathe in, out and ignore her. "It's fine, I'll settle for the three others!"

You roll your eyes before grabbing Katsuki's other hand to massage it. The last thing you need right now is Katsuki looking down at you and smirking like an idiot.


He shrugged his shoulders, turning that annoying smirk to a grin. "Nothin'."

"Sorry but it's been bothering me for a while," Izuku thankfully changes the subject. "Who's child is that?"

He's right, that little black-haired kid with the red hat was with them this morning.

"Oh, not one of ours. He's my cousin's kid," The kid has almost the expression Katsuki has on a daily basis. Although, he's looking at all of you with dislikeness. "Come on, Kota. Greet everyone. You'll be with them for the next week."

"Oh, um, I'm Midoriya from U.A. High School's hero course," Izuku reaches his hand to greet Kota. "Nice to meet you."

Instead of a handshake poor Izuku got a punch on where the sun never sees.

"Midoriya!" Of course Iida still has energy to run for Izuku. "Why would you do that to Midoriya's scrotum!?"

"I don't intend to hang out with guys who want to become heroes!" Damn. He has more anger inside him than Katsuki.

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