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It feels like yesterday was a year ago but I don't wanna let anybody know
Everybody wants something from me now and I don't want to let them down

It feels like yesterday was a year ago but I don't wanna let anybody knowEverybody wants something from me now and I don't want to let them down

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"I'm so over everyone at uni." Haeri complained, sighing as she sat on the sofa with her head back and eyes closed. "Like...it's just, why are people like this?"

"What's been happening? You haven't been speaking much on the group chats or anything, I'm glad you came over." Yeonhee said, coming to join Haeri on her sofa.

Haeri felt like she couldn't handle all these emotions at once, everything was new and it was coming in too fast and hard that she couldn't process it.

She knew Yeonhee had been through the same thing which is why she made the decision to come over.

"It's just...people they're all talking about me like I can hear them saying stuff, whispering and everything. Then there's people who actually come up to me and talk to me, asking me questions about us and saying rude shit to my face. It's like I can feel everyone staring at me, watching whatever I do."

"What are they saying about you?" Yeonhee asked, feeling protective over the girl who was going through the same hate she had been through.

"Like I don't deserve him, I'm not good enough for him, he probably doesn't even love me and I'm just trapping him into a relationship. They assume things about me, my personality and how I am with him...just everything. Then there's people that just make sexual comments about me, also him too asking if he's 'a good fuck' and it's just...I hate it." Haeri exhaled heavily after speaking.

"What the hell, people are fucking pricks. Haeri babe, I'm so sorry that this is happening to you, I hate that shit so much. I will literally come to uni and scream at everyone I don't care, how can they be doing this shit to you? Have you told Haechan?"

Haeri lightly tugged at the band on her wrist when speaking.
"I mean, I haven't been as open with everything to him but yesterday he was really angry and so, yeah I told him yesterday."
"But you don't want to tell him do you?" Yeonhee said, already understanding.

"Yeah..." Haeri trailed off. "It's not that I'm hiding it from him because I'm pretending like everything is okay- it's that I can't bring myself to speak about it...with anyone. I mean I'm talking to you about it right now but ever since this all happened, I feel so overwhelmed by everything that I don't even know where to start. It feels like my whole life has become about our relationship. I'm not like him when talking about stuff...I'll admit I'm not good at opening up with stuff like this I just feel too panicked when trying to explain myself, but he seems angry I won't tell him stuff. I understand but- I don't know."

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