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Channie 😡

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Channie 😡

Do you know when you're like
Performing at a concert can you even like see fans properly
Because all I'm imagining is thousands of fans with green lit up faces from the light stick

Honestly you're not wrong
It's hard to actually see fans, maybe the front rows but there's all bright lights in your eyes when you perform
Plus yeah the light stick does that

Nahh imagine you look your best at a concert then ur idol sees you looking like shrek 😭😭
Ngl though
It must be hard to perform consecutive days at concerts doesn't it get tiring
Especially with all the choreography

Shrek lmaooo
Hmmm I guess it is tiring but I really enjoy it
It's fulfilling to perform in front of fans you know it gives me more energy seeing everyone cheering us on

Aww that's nice tho
Do you get likee nervous before it starts

I get nervous before every performance

Honestly you're such a like
What's the word


I mean
I was gonna say confident performer
but okay 😭

Yeah I was gonna say that next too
I try my best tho 🥰 thanks

You know
You must have good memory though I was thinking
How do you learn so many choreographies
Do you have a specific time frame to learn them in before a comeback

I see you're finally interested in me
So curious about me I like it

Pls 😭😭
But wait
Do you not like talking about your work, like if you don't then I won't ask anymore if it annoys you

Awwwwwww Haeri
No it doesn't annoy me really
You can ask me anythinggggg at all
I'd love to answer any questions for my number 1 fan

Who said I'm ur number one fan thooo

I know you are
I'm your bias aren't I

This is gonna be really awkward
Because it's actually

Don't continue
If it's any of the other members I can't accept

Okay I won't continue then

😔 I'm gonna pretend it's me
What are you doing

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