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Tell me how we're not alike but we work so well and we don't even know why

Tell me how we're not alike but we work so well and we don't even know why

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"Is it weird being home alone- like without the members I mean." The two of them were at the table eating, having migrated away from his room and gaming when she had enough of losing after almost winning.

He insisted for her to eat with him, after all how could she decline.

"Yeah, it's way too quiet to be honest. But I usually have my headphones on anyway." He shrugged. "Are you enjoying your break?"

His gaze moved from his food to the girl sat there, lightly grazing her chopsticks on the plate as she shrugged.
"I mean I've not been doing much but I have some uni work to do." She sighed, shaking her head. "I swear when one assignment is done the next one starts." Haeri grumbled.

"Are they hard assignments?"
"They're not too hard, it's just finding previous research and references which is annoying."

Donghyuck hummed, understanding how hard it could be due to his sibling's complaints.
"Anyways though, you know-" Haeri began, intending to say something but her eyes caught sight of the details of the table itself. "Wow, I didn't notice that." She tilted her head, finger tracing it. Then she shook her head.

"Anyways, you know New Year's Eve was so embarrassing when I met Jeno."
"Yeah, I heard all about it."
Haeri's eyes widened.
"No stop, he told you guys. God I must've been so annoying." She uttered in horror and he couldn't help but laugh.

"No, he was just saying how he was shocked that you spoke a lot because you seemed shy."
"No because I spoke so much when I was drunk, like way too much I think I nearly killed him. I feel so bad." Haeri grimaced.

"I can't believe I missed out on drunk Haeri rambling on about anything and everything."
"Trust me, you should be glad you missed it."

Haeri watched as he ate, not meaning to come off as weird for watching but she was glad he was eating.
Her eyes drifted away to around the interior as their conversation died down a little which only left Haeri more susceptible to falling back into thinking.

Honestly she wasn't thinking of much, just zoning out which was a habit being picked up by the boy sat opposite her.
He had often seen her daydreaming or zoning out when he walks past the store window.

"Do you like ice cream?" His question being heard by her and she hummed while still slightly daydreaming but snapping out of it.
"Ice cream?" She questioned, seeing him getting up.

"Yeah, I finally get the ice cream stash to myself." He commented, her eyes watching as he went to the freezer. "Might as well make the most of it right?" Donghyuck rubbed his hands together in excitement.

Laughing at his enthusiasm over ice cream, Haeri stood up and grabbed the plates and moved into the kitchen with them.
He glanced over when she walked near, craning his head to the sink.
"Oh, just leave them there I'll wash them later."

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