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Kang.Haeriii's story

Haeri would be a liar if she said she didn't have his notifications on, becoming subconsciously excited when she saw he was live on Instagram

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Haeri would be a liar if she said she didn't have his notifications on, becoming subconsciously excited when she saw he was live on Instagram.

She wasn't even sure why she was so excited, Haeri had met him and was texting him.

The live began with him slightly off frame, seemingly situated laying on his stomach on his bed, the dark hair peeking out of his hood. He was wearing a hoodie and his face without makeup in the comfort of his room.

Haeri was working her night shift, she had actually just started it as it turned 10pm, today was one of her longer shifts.

Remembering he said his window overlooked the store, she glanced out of the store window and up at the buildings across the street.

I wonder if his room is one of those

"You're seriously watching a livestream at work?" Hajun's incredulous tone caught her attention, her cheeks slightly dusting pink at being caught and she scowled.

"I'm bored, leave me alone." She narrowed her eyes, nose slightly scrunching up as she did so and Hajun's eyes crinkled up as he smiled- reaching to ruffle her hair.
"You're cute when you try to be angry."

Such a simple comment yet Haeri didn't know how to react.
He continued to restock the shelves, humming along to the music playing in the background and Haeri cast her attention back to her phone.

His live lasted for around twenty minutes and Haeri was surprised that no customer came in and caught her lacking on her shifts.


Replied to your story
Did you end up surviving

Well I'll get back to u on that one I'm still at work

You're working today
Should I come buy my drinks

Night shifts ↬ Haechan  Where stories live. Discover now